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From pleasure to addiction... - WEEK 171

From pleasure to addiction...

We are dependent on our thoughts. We can't change anything if we can't change our thinking. Santosh Kalwar


I don't usually do two posts on the same day but today I made an exception because I really wanted to participate in this Weekend Engagement, as I am away from home this weekend and when I get back home I can't fit in the time allotted for entries.

Can it be the last one?


I have chosen to write a few lines about one of the most controversial issues in the world, smoking.

Fortunately in 39 years of life I managed to keep away from this vice, although in my family my father smokes a lot (at one time he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day).

My first ,,contact,, with cigarettes was when I was in high school, I had enough classmates who already had experience with smoking, you realize that smoking in school was forbidden but high school classmates always found a place to hide to smoke, I repeat I went with them and did not smoke, here being the entourage in which I was and my desire to be accepted in that gang.

What to do that was in my teenage years, I think many of you have been there.

But as time went by and I found out a lot more information about smoking and especially passive smoking (that's what I used to do sitting with the gang on smoke breaks, and I smoked passive too) I realized that staying in this environment was not good for me and gradually I made the decision to withdraw from the gang, of course with the repercussions of my decision.

I felt that passive smoking is not good for me, it affects my health and my relationships with others.


If you are a non-smoker you will definitely sense when a smoker approaches you, another example is if you ride in a smoking car and a non-smoking car, to see the difference through a non-smoker's olfactory pathways.

Please do not judge me and do not misunderstand me, I have no problem with people who smoke (we are free to choose what we do), and now I have many friends who smoke, I just wanted to point out that smoking is very harmful, can create an olfactory discomfort (bad smell), and do not forget that cigarettes are not cheap at all.


From my point of view, this so-called "addiction" to cigarettes or rather nicotine can be controlled and gradually if you have the will you can quit them.

I have friends who smoked extremely heavily and in a very short time without resorting to lozenges or anything else managed to quit smoking and today they are normal and nicotine-free people.

I believe that with these decisions you will be able to take control of your life again, but I repeat smoking is a personal decision of each of us.

In conclusion, I can be neither for nor against, smoking is a personal choice and each of us should think about the consequences of smoking (before we start smoking, maybe we should think about our loved ones, our health and the health of those around us).

By the way, I welcome your decision galenkp to encourage the use of our own photos.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉