Words of wisdom: Weekend Engagement Challenge

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We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn
By Mary Catherine Bateson

Wisdom is having a good common sense. However, it goes beyond that. Wisdom involves having a deep understanding of something and the ability to be able to apply that understanding in order to make good and positive choices.

Wisdom is not just about having knowledge about a particular subject matter but also being able to use the knowledge in a practical and effective way. wisdom is not just about being smart; it’s about using your intelligence in a way that helps you and the people around you.

Some people do have an innate sense of wisdom, while others develop it through learning and experience, and some people may wish for it without understanding what it means or how to attain it.

Learning and understanding are definitely two powerful tools for developing wisdom. It takes time and effort to really understand something and apply it in your life, but the result is always worthwhile in the end.

Wishing for wisdom is a passive desire, while learning and understanding are more active processes. In other words,wishing doesn’t necessarily lead to any kind of change or development,but learning can actually lead to concrete changes in how you think and act.

I would be happy to share some pieces of wisdom that I think would be helpful for children of about 10 year old in their journey of life as you grow because wisdom is a powerful and positive concept

Being kind to others :

Kindness is one of the most important qualities to have, and it can make a big difference in the world when you treat others the way you want to be treated.
It is good to treat others with respect and make them feel special, even if they are different from you or they contrary opinions to yours.

Giving this analogy, there is this story of a man who helped and showed a heart of kindness to a particular lady whose car broke down on a deserted road. The man was passing by and offered to help, and he fixed the lady’s car.
One a fateful day,the man went on job hunting, and he got to a big company to submit his cv. He submitted and was told to come back the following week.
His CV was reviewed, and he was called for an interview. Fortunately, the lady she had helped sometimes ago was the CEO of that company, and that was how he was able to secure a job through his heart of kindness.

Always exhibit a heart of kindness as you don't know when you will ever need help or assistance from other. We are likely to get what we sow into the world as most of this things have a way of coming back to us whether good or bad.


Another important word of wisdom, I would share with them is obedience
Obedience is about learning to follow the rules and to respect authority figures like parents,teachers, and other adults. Being obedience will save them from a lot of punishments that may emanate from disobedient to higher authority, truancy in school, disregarding parents instructions or counsel. Disobedience will only make someone a subject of criticism in the society. No one will like to partner with someone that not trustworthy.

Always be curious and keep learning.

Learning new things is one of the most important endeavour someone can engage in this life. There's always something new to discover, so never stop being curious and seeking out knowledge.

To buttress the point on being curious and keep learning.

Here’s the story of Dr. Jane Goodall, is a famous primatologist and conservationist. She became fascinated with animals as a child and always had a curious mind. She wanted to learn more about chimpanzees, so she went to Africa and started studying them in the wild. Her curiosity and perseverance led her to make many important discoveries about chimpanzee behaviour. Even when things got tough, she never gave up on her research. She's a great example of the power of curiosity, learning, and staying positive.

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