Weekend Relaxation At The Poolside

Hello everyone, it’s good to be back here to share with you guys how I finally took some time off school activities to get some little bit of rest fun for myself. Over the past couple of weeks, it has been difficult period especially being a final year student and the hot weather itself wasn’t helping us at all. Imagine going by your daily activities in a sun of about 41 degrees Celsius, we are literally roasting ourselves over here in the part of the country.

Image edited by me on PhotoGrid

So because these reasons, myself and colleagues so it wise enough to take a break from all this hard work and get our minds relaxed and reset so that we can carry on for the rest of the semester. This is when we planned to go out to the pool side to have some little fun over the weekend. We decided to go there on Saturday so that we will all be free to prepare for the next week on Sunday.

On Saturday, everyone was pumped about going out and we kept reminding each other about it. After noon, which was around 2:00 pm we all gathered and prepared to head out, we ordered a ride to come to the campus. Everyone was set to go, even though we’ve been going to the pool like once every semester, it seemed like it had been ages since we left campus. In my mind, I thought the place was a bit farther from before the other time we visited the pool.

On our way to the hotel

So after several minutes of sitting in our ride, let’s say… in about ten minutes, we arrived at the hostel where the pool was. The name of the hotel is Graceland Hotel, and even though there are other hotels nearby our campus it is actually our favorite to go to since they have a much bigger pool and comfortable place to sit and eat.

We arrived at the hotel premises

When we arrived, there were other people in the pool already and I wasn’t actually surprised about that. So we didn’t waste much time, we got ourselves prepared and payed our money to the hotel receptionist over there. Some of my friends also decided to order some food first, but I had eaten already so I didn’t even bother. All I wanted was to dive into that pool, have fun and release some stress.

Sitting and Relaxing a bit

Sipping some Coca Cola drink

Later on, my friends had finished eating and also decided to join us in the pool. We had our fun time and I also learned some new swimming skills as well. Everyone was very happy to be outside for once, relaxing from all the stress. After several hours, it was getting late and so we made a call to our driver to come and send us back to campus. When we were going back home, some were also hungry and so we decided to buy some food on our way before reaching the hostel.

Finally Inside the pool

We stopped by a nearby food seller and we bought our food, since we would be lazy to cook in the evening. When we reached campus, everyone dispersed to their various hostels. I decided to offer my evening prayers and got some food to eat myself, took some shower as well and watched some movies on my roommates laptop for a bit. l also watched some football highlights, and that was it for the Saturday. On Sunday I was back to the usual, just watched some football matches and that was it.

NOTE: All images used are mine

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