Just for a day…

Have you seen movies where people switch bodies? Really hilarious. One very hilarious one was in Jumanji with Kevin Hart and Dwane Johnson. I have never really imagined switching bodies, but thanks to this weeks prompt, I can at least dream.

Before I go on to explain why I want to switch bodies for just one day with that cute one year old, let me first break down her daily routine:

She wakes up in the morning, smiles and plays, and stretches her hand at things she wants. It’s so adorable you wouldn’t even realize you handed her your phone until you hear the cracking sound on hard tiles!

Then she is fed, and allowed to play some more. After which she is made to sleep. Emphasis on MADE. She won’t lie on her own and sleep, you may have to dance around, sing to her or whatever it takes, its is your responsibility to ensure she is comfortable before she sleep. So you’ll be checkinga for a full diaper, it shes too hot, you have to nake sure the temperature is perfect or else she won’t sleep.

Not that I really mind it she doesn’t sleep you know….its the chaos and all the cries that follow when she’s tired. Thats what one has to avoid.

These are just few of her activities daily. Now here’s why this is important to me even if for a day:

  1. I need SLEEP! I really do. I am not complaining about being a mom, I just miss free of responsibilities. When a baby sleeps, all they worry about id their sleep and their dreams maybe, I on the other hand sleeps, and will mentally be taking note of various things like if the baby is breathing well, or If the lights are all off.

  2. So if we are switching bodies, she probably will be me right? Lol. Now this is another part ill love. I get to be pampered by her and she gets to experience how tiring it can be sometimes and maybe just learn to sleep without drama.

Thats about it though! However, I love my baby so very much and would not change a thing( except the sleep pattern of course) about her.

Thank you for reading
All content and images are mine

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