Sweet Little Mouse

It is the weekend before Easter, which means that it is Virvonta, a tradition a little like trick and treating in the US, where the kids decorate pussywillow branches with feathers and ribbon, dress up as witches (cute ones) and door knock, singing a song and giving a decorated twig, in exchange for sweets. It is a very old pagan tradition, not a religious one. But over the last decade or two, rather than dressing up as witches, the impact of Halloween has diluted it into dress up as whatever. For the last few years, the option has been the same for Smallsteps - a mouse.


At this time of year, it can be that it is relatively warm, or like it is now, with a lot of snow on the ground still. This affects finding pussywillow branches to decorate. The grandparents found some on their walks, but they weren't the most glamorous of versions this year. Smallsteps and I bought some extra feathers (we had some from prior years) and some pink ribbon last weekend in preparation, and we spent an hour or two as a family decorating them yesterday, which is always a nice time. Smallsteps talks constantly about the colors she uses and why, as well as working out "new" ways to wrap ribbons or the furry pipe-cleaners around the branches.

What I like about Finland, is that while it is changing, there are still a lot of pretty basic "events" around that are easy to organize. Finns are pretty basic in general, in the sense that they don't require a lot of glitz and glamor to have a good time. This is more visible in the summer, where there are various local events where there is a few stalls selling some handicrafts, and a pony ride - and thousands of people go. But, in general, it is pretty relaxed here.

But, it is changing. For instance, the event today is for young kids up to the age of maybe nine, but more and more there are teenagers knocking on doors, with very crappy decorations. Not only that, they are asking for money, not candy. And over the last few years, there have been articles written about how much money to give them.

Fuck that.

Smallsteps and I went and bought some treats for any doorknockers who might visit, but we haven't had a single one so far. Though, we were also out doing our rounds, visiting family during "prime" hours. So some might have come while we were away.


Because Smallsteps has allergies, there generally isn't much candy, but this year she did get a few lollipops, along with the notepads and pencils that she loves so much. From her grandparents, she also got a boiled egg with faces drawn on it, and when we got home, she put all of the stuff she got on the kitchen table, licked her lips and chose to eat the boiled egg. So far at least, she gets her teeth from her mother.

I have the sweetest tooth.

We are actually pretty lucky with Smallsteps, as despite her allergies when young, she still hasn't clambered on the sugar train yet. She enjoys sweets, but it isn't a thing for her, and definitely not a reward. Which means that there can be sweet food in the cupboard, but she doesn't want it at all.

Me on the other hand.

Which reminds me, after a couple weeks off due to illness, I should be getting my ass to the gym.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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