Attending A Christening


This past Saturday, I attended a christening as a guest instead of being there to take photographs or videos. The event was for a friend's little daughter, who was being baptized. The christening took place on Lazarus Saturday, which is a significant day in the Orthodox Christian Church. It falls within the 40 days of Christian Lent.

Lazarus Saturday in Eastern Christianity (consisting of the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches) refers to the moveable feast before Palm Sunday to which it is liturgically linked. It celebrates the raising of Lazarus of Bethany. Bethany is recorded in the New Testament as a small village in Judaea, the home of the siblings Mary of Bethany, Martha, and Lazarus, as well as that of Simon the Leper.
John's gospel reports that "Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead."[3] Presumably, it is where he spent the Great Sabbath that occurs immediately before Passover, prior to his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Jesus is reported to have lodged there during Holy Week, and it is where his anointing by Lazarus' sister Mary took place a few days later on Holy Wednesday.>

After the christening ceremony, a large buffet was served, offering a variety of fasting foods and sweets for all attendees. I was pleasantly surprised to see how much vegan food has progressed over the years, as enjoying a high-quality vegan burger or vegan chicken now tastes just as satisfying as the real thing.

The buffet featured an array of delicious vegan options, including vegan chicken wraps, vegan burgers, shrimp burgers, vegan chicken bites, Greek pita with cheese, and Greek pita with spinach.
After the mysterys ending a party followed for some of the guests where a lot of dance , eating , and drinking took place !
The whole event had a ton of food i thing i gain 2 kilos after that.

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