Weekend Experience - My School Trip

Hello hivers, I would like to share with you one of my weekend experiences in school.

As I mentioned earlier in my introductory post, I am one of the executives of my department in school. As part of our semester activities, we organized an excursion to visit a few places nearby. My school is in Navrango, in the upper East Region and not very far from the Ghana-Burkina Faso border. So that was our first stop.

Ghana - Brukina Faso border

The bus left campus and they picked me up from the road side because I was assigned to get breakfast for the students together with our treasurer @bibson10.
We got in the bus, shared the food and were on our way.
We stopped a few meters away from the first barrier of the border and continued on foot.
We went through a series of checkpoints where they checked our temperatures as one of the covid-19 control measures.
The last checkpoint was the immigration office. They welcomed us but said we didn’t pre- inform them of our coming but since we are students, they will excuse us. We were shown a particular area known as “no man’s land” (it doesn’t belong to either Ghana or Burkina Faso )
One of the officers led us through to the other side of the border.

Everything looked normal except that they spoke French. We were able to use our Ghana Cedis(Ghanaian currency) to buy stuff and the reason being that it’s just at the border. Going into the country, we would need to change to CFA(currency of the people of Burkina Faso).
We bought water for the students and were on our way back since we had other places to go to. When we got back to the immigration office, they answered a few questions we had and we took pictures with them.

with one of the immigration officers at the border

The Paga Crocodile Pond

Our next stop was the Paga Crocodile Pond which was on the same road as the border.
When we got there, we paid the entrance fee and went in.
The care taker of the place(the crocodile pond) did a sacrifice before the crocodile came out of the pond. He tied a chick to a rope and threw it into the pond. That’s the way they call the crocodiles. About 3 of them eventually came out and we needed just 1. So they sent the rest back inside the water and we started taking pictures with the other one.
A lot of the students were afraid. I mean who wouldn’t be? There were some of the students that were actually shivering when it was their turn to touch it and it was so funny 😂😂.
I wasn’t really scared because I had been there before and I had been on another trip where I saw some.(I even held its baby with my hands. Maybe I will tell that story another time).So this was like my third time. When it was my turn, everyone was surprised how I was so confident with the whole thing but little did they know I have experience 😂.

Some pictures I took with the crocodile

There were horses around too and some of the students went to ride them. At this point I was so tired and just wanted to rest. Besides, I’ve had my share of horse riding once so I wasn’t really interested.
After everyone had had enough, we left to the third location. (A dam)

Tono Dam

This was in another nearby town.
When we got there. We had to pack the bus at the beginning of the dam and walk to the end. This was because the road was narrow and the bus wouldn’t be able to make a turn.
It’s basically a large water reservoir that helps with irrigation and controls flooding in those areas.

At the dam

with our department treasurer @bibson10

I didn’t really take much pictures of the view of the place. (I hadn’t been introduced to hive yet else I would have taken better pictures to give you guys a feel of everything). We took a couple of pictures and at this point, everyone was tired, thirsty and hungry. It’s in the outskirts of the town so we couldn’t get any water to buy.
We finally made it back to the bus and found our way to back to campus. We got water for everyone on the way. When we got back to campus, as tired as we were, we had to wait and share their lunch to them then we dispersed. At this point, I was just trying to make it to my room. Then I had a call from my friend to come and help her share food at a seminar she was in charge of.
I immediately forgot I was tired and made my way to the venue.
After all that stress, we finally made it to the hostel to rest.
I can’t even remember what happened the next day. I must have slept through most of it.

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