Stressful weekend

Throughout the whole of last week, I was looking forward to participating in @galenkp weekend-engagement concept but the weekend came and passed in a blink of an eye. As I mentioned in some earlier posts, I am the women’s commissioner of my department (Computer Science Society). Our tenure of office is almost over and as the constitution demands, we need to conduct new elections before the end of the semester. So on Saturday, we had a vetting for the aspirants. I was part of the vetting panel. I totally forgot something like that was coming up and I was also making my own weekend plans. But I had to put everything on hold for it. We started the vetting process a little past 9 AM.( I didn’t take note of the actual time).

We were supposed to set a time limit for each candidate or a maximum number of questions that each panel member should ask but we didn’t. We ended up spending almost/more than an hour on each person. We closed a little past 10 pm. Everyone was exhausted. The people that came in earlier had a lot to deal with because each panel member had so many questions to ask them. I actually felt bad for them because you could clearly see the tension on their faces. I’ve been in their shoes before and I know how stressful it can be especially when you think you are not answering the questions correctly. But I learnt something from all this.

The panelist intentionally try to intimidate you to see how you would deal with the pressure.

Most often, they ask you questions outside the scope of what they are looking for just to see how well you understand and how well you speak.
This is something I was worried about during my own vetting because there were quite a number of questions I fumbled with but my results still turned out great.
They just want to see the your confidence and belief that you know what you are getting yourself into.

A friend of mine later came to tell me on Sunday that she almost cried because of how the questions were being thrown at her and she feels she didn’t do well. But in actual fact, the panel was impressed with her submission.

Being part of this panel has given me an insight into what goes on in their minds an what they look out for and I believe it will come in handy the next time I am to be vetted.

When I got to the hostel, I was so tired I just couldn’t do anything. I just bathed and slept. I didn’t even eat.

But before I slept, I made a to-do list of the things I wanted to do the next day so that I don’t waste the day.

Woke up late on Sunday but was determined to do everything I planned. I wanted to wash my clothes but realized others had washed and the dry line was full.
So I went on to clean my room and after that, I don’t know how I ended up in bed. @zzzinnn came over for us to do an assignment which is due today (Monday).
I didn’t have the needed extension to run Visual Basic on my pc so we had to download it. I connected my pc to my phone’s network and I was halfway downloading but I had some connection issues. @zzzinnn decided to connect to his network instead. I clearly told him not to pause the download but he claimed he knew what he was doing. He paused it and when it resumed, it started all over and the worse thing is that it was just stuck at 50%.
We spent the whole day waiting for the thing to finish downloading and it never did. We ended up watching movies and sleeping.
I thought to myself that I will just do it this morning before it’s time for submission.
My friend called to remind me that I have to be her polling agent for an SRC ( student representative council) election we have today.
I’m currently at the voting center and having a lot of free time. So I thought I should just write something.

Hopefully by now, @zzzinn is done with the assignment and has submitted it

all images were taken with my phone

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