Squirrel Sunday - Shamanic Witch

The squirrels are back in action for #squirrelsunday

At the edge of the squirrel village lives the ancient shamanic witch. Squirrels go to her for advice and predictions about their futures.

For the price of one peanut or two acorns she will read you your fortune. Be prepared for the truth though as she has no filter on her predictions.

This young squirrel is wondering about his economic future. Will the spring harvest be good this year? Will I be able to survive the winter from the fall harvest?

Instead the shamanic witch gives him a prediction about how many kids he will have this year... A few days later he meets one of them running around the base of his tree. Now he has to figure out who the mom was. He will scrounge up a few more acorns for the witch to ask her who the mother was.

This squirrel is asking for herbal remedies on making her tail more fluffy to attract the perfect mate...

The shamanic witch tells her to eat lots of dandelion to fatten up for her future mate. A few days later an orange acorn billionaire swept her off her paws and they had a litter of ten babies.

This young squirrel asked the witch what his occupation would be when he grows up. She said he would become a nice gourmet meal for a hawk any day now...

Now the young squirrel is trying to escape his fate as hawk jerky. He will dip, dodge and dive until he defies the fate that was predicted...

As it turns out the shamanic witch tells all the young squirrels this so that they don't get too comfortable out in the open where they hawks like to pick them off. Only about half the time do her predictions actually come true. These predictions often cause quite a bit of paranoia in the squirrel community, she recommends St. John's wart for curing paranoia.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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