Better not to plan your weekend 😎

Hi Hivers, I am @sishi again with another interesting weekend experience.

Sometimes if you have no plans, that is the best plan for your weekend. It’s the last Sunday, and after several trials, I could barely open my eyes for welcoming Sunday’s Sun. I lost my bed tea since my mom’s schedule was earlier than mine as usual every Sunday. So had to have a full meal that could be considered as a brunch.

After changing my clothes for a fresh day, I sat on my chair with a cup of hot water and turned on my laptop to watch an episode of my favorite tv series. That’s how the perfect Sundays need to be started. “FRIENDS” is my all-time favorite tv series. All the characters can make my mood fixed with their unique attitudes. Wish I could have a bunch like them. ♥️


Few Screen Captures from my favourite Tv Series

Then, I wanted to calm myself a little bit. The obvious way to calm me is treating myself with a great fruity treat. So, I thought to prepare an avocado. Those were fresh fruits from my mom’s garden. Fresh fruits are not just a treat for tummies, but they are treating for eyes indeed. 🥑


Yummy treat for eyes and tummy🤩💚💛

How to calm oneself without a piece of good music. Yeah, I like to listen and meditate with the essence of good music in my ears. Sundays without good music are not fair for anyone, I think. Hence, I opened Spotify which is my favorite audio player, and listened to some better music while tasting an avocado.


Feel good music 🎼🎧

Yeah, It was a Sunday, but I went through some self-learning videos via LinkedIn Learning to brush up on my knowledge. From my perspective, it is not a completely relaxing day if you are not spending some time feeding some knowledge to your mind. 🤔

After spending some quality time with my family talking a ton of nonsense, I thought of making a bowl of fried rice for our dinner. After taking all the ingredients I could find, I prepared a bowl of fried rice and served it to five members including myself.


Yes I am good in cooking (Wifey-material🤪)

That is one of my un-planned Sundays. Thank you for reading my post.

Laters Hivers 🤗

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