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Importance of F.U.N.

Today I wanted to talk about 3 meaningful words, Friendship, Understanding, & Need and how these words fit into my life.


Friendship is an important aspect in everyone's life. Almost everyone all over the world has at least one friend that they can talk to or count on. It's human nature to be social and not to have that feeling of loneliness!

For me, friendship is something I value a lot and it needs time and effort both ways to make a long lasting friendship. I'm someone that was bullied a lot in the past which I've mentioned before but I think what really got me the most was when someone who I thought was a friend turned into a bully. I think since then I've been super careful and picky when it comes to making friends.

I'm not the type of person that has a lot of friends but I'll have a few great friends. The kind of friendships I choose are the ones that have no ulterior motives. I like friendships where I enjoy hanging out with these friends, being able to ask for any advice and support when I need it and of course giving advise and supporting them when they need it as well.

In this picture, I'm the one on the right. My Japanese friend Kazuho is in the middle and my Korean friend Park is on the left. We were playing PUBG I think and League of Legends at a computer cafe.


Understanding is another important word that I value which I believe also goes together with friendship. Understanding is needed to build friendships. I feel it's crucial to understand others and their actions before judging or misunderstanding anything. Everyone is unique in this world. We all have different things like personality, religion, income class, experiences etc. There has to be a mutual understanding so we can work together at making this world a better place for everybody.


Need for me are the things that are necessary to live life and function in society. In my life, this includes friendship but also the basic necessities like somewhere to call home, food, water, air, clothes and sleep. I am fortunate that I've always had these basic necessities where as some people don't have one or multiple of those needs I mentioned above.

You may have noticed but the words together came out to spell FUN if we used the first letter of each word. I think if we have these words and truly understand them and value their meaning then we can have fun. It'll be hard to have fun in life without friendship, understanding others as well as having our needs met. I hope this was able to explain the meaning behind the title of this post and how these words actually all connect together.

I truly hope that the world can have more UNDERSTANDING, we can look past the differences so we can build FRIENDSHIPS with the ultimate aim of helping those in NEED. Then everyone can have fun!

Have a great weekend and see you next week for another fun weekend engagement post!