The most enjoyable thing during weekend

What's the best or most enjoyable thing about your weekend and why?

Weekends as always are special to me. Though not every weekend , but once a while my children make a visit from their hostel and workspace. These days I make it a point to cook their favorites. In turn, they also try something new in the kitchen.

Kitchen becomes a space for sharing and caring. A place of joy to hear their college stories and workspace stories. Iam happy because all of us put in equal contributions to bring out something at its best. So this weekend was meant for pizza πŸ•.

Why cooking? This is the day I try something new at my comfort zone ie., my kitchen. Because things can be done with more patience, rather than in a hurry.

And fortunately my experimenting
lab happens to be my children most often. They always enjoyed what I cooked. Γ€nd also they are my best critics. The sweet 'n' sour, the salt and spicy were regulated by them.

My children are more eager than me on weekends because they are sure to get something new, sometimes tasty or sometimes a bitter experience,
which meant either construction or destruction of recipes.

At first trying new items was a part of my hobby. Then I used to make myself better by watching YouTube. There were times when I felt silence in and around the dining table. This happens either when the food is too good or if its not worth their expectations. But they nver disappoint me.


So this weekend we tried to make pizza πŸ• and as it was one of the favorites of the children they took up the full responsibility of kneading the dough with the required items with its appropriate quantity. Usually they are the helping hand for me, but this time it was the other way round. I was just guiding them and they were trying, adding some new flavours of their choice.

Photoes captured from my daughter's mobile. Sometimes it so happens that even difficult tasks get easy, if you are in a good company of friends and relatives. Thankyou for your valuable time. Appreciate your valuable comments.

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