My Unique Ways of Saving Time


We only have 24 hours to spend everyday and depending on the things we do, 24 hours might not be enough time for us to finish all those things so find ways to save time and use it properly. Honestly speaking, I'm not like the others that are very efficient with their management of time even though I know that we only have limited amount of it so I would not go for those time saving tips one can find on google. But even so, I have some ways to save time that I always apply to my self that I want to share with everyone else, though it might be a little difficult to master and might not be for everyone.


Multitasking was something that can be made when a person tries to perform two or more task at the same time so it's not a hard concept to understand and may be the most common way one could use to save time but it can be also hard to master since a person needs to focus on two or more things at once which might instead confuse a person. In the picture below, you can see me playing a game called Splinterlands while also watching a Splinterlands streamer on Youtube that coincidentally have a match with me and because I can see his strategy, I was able to counter it and won the match. Aside from that, you can see that I also have tons of browser tabs that I would switch into, doing many things at a time. It would also be nice to invest on another monitor cause it will exponentially expand the thing one can do so it might include some investment but I think the cost was very well worth it with the things that I can do and time I can save for it.

Fun fact: The same streamer was on our discord so its very hilarious when things like this happens.

Watching Videos on Increased Speed

Life is not fun without entertainment so even if I know that it is generally a waste of time, it is something I can't give up not to do. So in order to decrease the amount of time that I have to waste, I have this Idea to watch the videos on Increased Speed. If you will going to ask me since when am I doing this, it would be since 2014, watching the season 3 of Arrow, so I've been doing it for around 8 years now. At first, I do it at x1.25 speed but eventually, my eyes and ears gets used to it and was able to watch at x2.00 speed which means that 60 minutes show would only take 30 minutes for me to finish. As you can see at the image below it is a feature that are offered on many video streaming sites and can even be used on video applications and can even go faster but .

And I think that was it for this post. Like I said this time saving techniques might not be for everyone and will take some time to get used to. At the end of the day it is upon the readers discretion if they will this advice or not so the important thing here is I was able to share this tips for the people to decide. This was in participation with the Weekend Experience Community with topics provided by @galenkp

Thank you for reading my post!

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