Turning 100 - with the body of my 30 year old self

But I lost the knowledge


Who does not want to live for a century !! But unless you are pretty healthy and efficient as young as 30 year old self, you will barely enjoy the life. Because the body is the source of all our sufferings. And this weekend I had to go under the knife to loose the knowledge - the knowledge tooth to be precise. I had to sacrifice it because of severe pain, and yet to recover fully, but there are certain things that is out of our control and they remind us the importance of body. This post is in response to the [Week 130] Weekend-Engagement concept this week. If I have to live to the age of 100 years, then I would like to retain the body of my 30 year old self all the way to enjoy it to the fullest. And I hope you all will agree with me.


There are three kinds of pain, that are hardest to bear - tooth, ear and stomach. And I just went to figure out the root cause but then the doctor advised me to take this knowledge tooth out, because it was of no use and treating it will cost a lot. And what happened after that was beyond my thoughts. Never did I think, this will be so painful - he had to inject the anesthesia at three places and took almost a hour. Later he said, a small surgery was done as it was difficult to extract the tooth and it's always the case, about which he did not tell me before. And the post surgery its so painful that I am on double doses of pain killers - reminds me the suffering of the body, for this small operation.


If such a tiny piece of our body can create such pain, then I am just thinking what it would be like for big surgeries. And it also reminds me my young time - which I still feel in my mind. If you have seen my earlier posts, then you should be knowing that, I do lot of physical exercise to keep fit and even play football even though many people at my age fear. Even after going through a surgery I did not give up. But with a young body, this was never the case. Unfortunately, the mind is young but the body is not coping up and I am trying my best. But then lot of things are not in our control and the most important is food - we are not in a position to control what we eat. Because the very vegetable that you purchase comes with lot of toxic chemicals. What used to be naturally organic 50 years back, is now sold as Organic at a premium price and that too not available most of the time. This is the reason our Parents are strong at this age - they ate good food. Not sure, if we will get that far till 100, but it would be nice to carry the body of 30 years - to enjoy all kind of foods ( ya its getting restricted), sports, adventure and most importantly sex 🤓 - most wanted but most secret.



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