Weekend Contest Engagement (131): Trading Place with Someone's else

Hello everyone,
I'm very pleased to participate in this weekend challenge organized weekly by @galenkp for our wonderful community.

Who you want to trade place with and Why

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That gentleman above is the person, I want to trade places with. According to Wikipedia, His full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. He is American Politician who is the 46th and current President of United States of America. He was born on November 20, 1942.

Reason of Trading Place With Him

There are many reason why I like that man. It includes his personality and achievements.


After being investigated, his credence is clean and pure unlike other politicians. No wonder, he has been on the corridors of power for long, such is a man of honor and to be trusted.

Moreso, He is clever, gentle and a good Christian . A man of one wife etc. He has mentored a lot of people in his life and many still look up to him.

Being the current President of USA, is the one of the greatest achievement for humans on Earth. He steer a great nation with massive economic, social, political and military power. As the head of their government whose many organisations of the world based on, he decides for the lives of many people on the earth. His intervention and his government have saved a lot of people. They keep providing huge cash, personals and other logistics for those organisations like UN and it's organs, NATO etc to perform ultimately. For instance, In Abuja, Capital of my country Nigeria, there was insecurity alert and panic. Many governmental agencies and Nigerian politicians was afraid and everyone was scared. But US army working together with their security agencies in Nigeria helped to arrests some criminals and reduces the threats from those criminal organisations like Boko Haram etc operating actively in Nigeria. Although being a sovereign nations, many countries like Nigeria still depend on US government and agencies for their total well-being. Also, Check out their role in Russia - Ukraine War ongoing. they are supportive and as negotiating partner to see the end of that conflict .

Application of the Lessons from Him

I'm a barely young man, still with youth willingness and strength. There are many things that I have learnt from him and really want to apply those virtues in my life.

Be virtuous and trustworthy, it's not easy for humans but one can strive harder to be. There are many merits therein. Being a merchant, imbibing those virtues will drive my businesses higher. Clients will trust me and be of help to me whenever I call for that.

Being one of the oldest president, is something that attract me personally to him. How can one of his age became so ambitious while many youth are sleeping? One should have drive and ability to reach out for next level in his career to be better of. He have inspires many including me. Also serves as his legacy too .

Moreover, the organisations under his government is independent and well-established long ago, he personally involve himself toward bettering the world. Many a times, his phone calls are leaked where he calls other heads of government to improve the role played for the overall development of their nations. I will do so by involving other partners in my business and being honest with them for the betterment of the business and all of us.


Although I'm not a politician, don't really understand everything that goes on there. But I believes that they are there for our good and their roles directly affect us all. Their decision might not be perfect but whenever they are doing well, the people rejoices. Also, my decision cant be perfect too, but I can impact positively to people near and far from me.

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