[WE-148] The Love of Love: I Feel at Ease with People I Love

I am happy that I love, and I am happy that I get to experience it. Feeling love and getting love from those who are important to you is enough to make you feel strong. Because you know, they can give you the assurance that your entire existence is a blessing to them and that you matter. You don't need to seek it out from anybody else because with just your family, it is already enough.

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We don't need to be in a relationship with the opposite sex to feel love. And as for me, I prefer the kind of love that lasts forever, which I can only get from my closest family member, my mother. Although I can also get hurt because of them, my love for them is so much stronger than the pain, and the amount of love I have for them is overflowing.

And I am happy that I can get that pure love to those who surround me, and I don't need to look for it. I can feel their love through their care, I can feel their love through their nagging at me, I can feel their love through their sadness whenever I am sick, and I can receive love because they see me as an important person in their life. I know that because I can feel it.

And that's what I love about that kind of love. It is an indirect way of showing love, but I can already catch the meaning behind it. Although I can view them sometimes as a bad thing and they can cause me pain, at the end of the day, the realization will hit me hard after the pain is gone. "They did it because they care," that's all there is to it.

And because of that, I became more optimistic about life. I may have a lot of insecurities about my body, but I don't let those insecurities stop me from viewing life on the positive side. I can handle my pain just fine; I can be happy whenever I am sad because that's what I chose to do; and if I want to, I can also heal the negativities lingering on my system.

I mean, after all, it is a choice. If you want it and if you are so firm in your decision to choose happiness that is full of love, then claim it. No, no, just grab it and never let go of it. Love is a beautiful feeling in the world, and I know some who were healed because of it. It resulted in a beautiful story, which has become an inspiration to some, including me. That's why I love to love.

Thanks to heaven, I learned how to love. Because if not, for sure, I still have those unwanted and negative feelings in my heart. I was blinded with hatred before, but now I'm healed and found. Because I accepted love, I am only experiencing this now. We don't need to ask why we are unhappy. We just have to open up our hearts and see the true meaning of what love is.

Love is also not perfect because it also has its disadvantages, but with the way you handle it, I still know everything will end well.

Let's spread love, shall we?

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