Weekend Experience - Had A Weekend NFT Session At The Office

Hi guys,

So I’ve been talking about my place of internship for a while now and the opportunities I have by doing my internship there. They usually organize programmes for people to educate them on various topics. Most of the time they are on things that are trending or stuff that are innovative.

This time round it was something about the crypto world and I was excited. For quite some time I dedicated my time to learning about NFTs so I was wowed when they said someone from Accra was coming to take people through the topic of NFTs. They didn’t wanna do it on working days so they pushed it to a Saturday.

I think it was better that they pushed it to Saturday. People we didn’t know were coming in for a programme and so the best way to make it was on a Saturday. On the day of the programme, I woke up at my usual time to do some stuff. I was anticipating this programme so the first thought that came into my mind when I woke up from bed was NFTs.

The programme was supposed to begin at 11 in the morning but as a staff, I had to go early to make sure things were in order. I left home around 9:30 and by 10 I was there. We placed everything in order before going for the speaker.

I was tasked with going to pick him up and bringing him to the venue. I did just that and by 10:40 people were already trooping in. All though the numbers were not soo much it was still encouraging. I for one didn’t expect this number of people to show up because of the slow adaption of blockchain and things related to crypto in my country. As you know, people don’t easily accept change and my country is far behind when it comes to matters concerning blockchain. So I was not surprised when only young people came for the programme.

We have something we call Ghana man time which means we are always late for programmes, this meant we couldn’t start at 11 as we had to wait for some time for others to come. We didn’t wait for too long as we gave them like 30 minutes. By 11:40 we had started.

The speaker introduced himself and I was surprised when he said he is a student. This only meant one thing; he had also dedicated his time to learn a lot about the blockchain. He first of all explained a few terms in the nft and crypto space. He explained what an NFT is in the most simple of terms. I think the opening session was quite simple for others as it was basic. He spoke about its meaning, things that could be used to make NFTs and some interesting facts about NFTs.

The interesting part was when he started to quote some of the prices of NFTs. A lot of people in the room didn’t expect an NFT to cost that much lol. I could only sit there and enjoy how amazed they were. They got to realize that it was a serious space and I was happy they did.

He also touched on how to create an NFT and a whole lot of other stuff. He ended up spending more than the required time as people had a lot of questions. At first, I didn’t think people were interested but then the young mind always seem to be thinking and their questions were on point. I got to learn a thing or two last weekend. The NFT programme was a great success and I hope I could one day educate others about the NFT space.

Are you interested in NFTs as I am? Please let me know in the comments section.

Thank you.

All images are mine

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