Back to Routine... bye bye vacations

With the start of school we return to our routine and weekends must be reorganized based on all my children's activities.


School vacations are over and we resume our children's activities, which go from Monday to Saturday, because in addition to their school activities there are extra academic activities and the truth is a challenge to organize the weekends, so it is possible that for now you will not see many photos of the beach around here haha.

Those pictures will most likely be replaced by pictures of school activities, chess tournaments, violin and ballet lessons. You know, motherhood stuff hahaha.

And this weekend, even though we just have a week since school started, both my kids had activities so there were no outings, but a lot of work!

Although it is true that not all the activities were for today, we did them all over the weekend and they will surely have more assignments and we can not accumulate since the work would be greater.



I usually count on my husband to divide the house chores, but on Saturday he woke up with fever, nasal congestion and cough, so he spent the whole day in bed and not having his support was obviously a lot to do.

At the beginning of the day it was time to wash school and ballet uniforms and leave everything ready for the start of a new week of activities. At ten o'clock my son Matias has his chess classes, so he was there until twelve o'clock.

During that time I took the opportunity to review both children's notebooks and assignments for the week. I corrected spelling mistakes, assigned penmanship for misspelled words and with Miranda we were practicing divisions until her brother arrived and it was time for me to take care of lunch.

As my husband was indisposed I prepared two different meals. A soup for him and for me and the kids chicken with browned potatoes and rice.


In the afternoon I was working on one of my publications for #Hive and without realizing it it was time again to go to the kitchen to prepare dinner (yes friends, it's hard being a mom hahaha) finally and thank God at nine o'clock at night I prepared pop corn and with the kids we got ready to watch a horror movie that we had been wanting to see for a long time.

That was my relaxing moment of the day because I was back and forth taking care of my husband, the house stuff, the kids, etc. so my body was asking for bed haha.

Sunday was not much different but I must say that despite everything I enjoyed it very much. And you may ask, who can enjoy being at home the whole day? Well, me! Hahaha especially after these vacations that left me more tired than I was with so many outings.

So Sunday morning I sat my two soldiers down to work on their school assignments and I was attentive to help them in whatever they needed, but after lunch came my prize! A marathon of The Dragon chapters in a row.


And my kids? In their room! They are already well trained hahaha, they know that mom dedicates time to them but she also needs time for herself, so they watch TV, play with each other or in my son's case he plays with his cell phone or talks to his friends and let me enjoy my quiet time.

In the evening, I had another snack to enjoy episode 8 of Dragon House, which I mistakenly thought was the last of the season (that's why I did the marathon haha) but it turned out that it wasn't over yet... oops, things that happen when you have a thousand things on your mind!

That's how my first weekend after the start of school went, ready for a new busy week since Miranda has a Ballet workshop for three days in a row in addition to her school activities and Matias has a Chess tournament on Saturday. The positive thing about this week is that Wednesday is a holiday but the extracurricular activities don't stop. Yes, I know, so sad hahaha.


As you can see the weekend is not always enjoyable, especially when you have two school-age children at home with lots of energy and many extracurricular activities, but it is part of our daily life as a family and we enjoy it equally!

And not to leave you wanting a little bit of beach from the woman who lives on an island I leave you this little gift, so close your eyes and imagine the sound of the waves!

Have a great week, kisses and blessings!



Fotografía por:| Photography by:
@rlathulerie, Samsung Galaxy M12

Edición por:| Edtion by:
@rlathulerie on Canva

Traducido con:| Translated with (free version)

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