Spend Your Weekend with Those that Count!

When you’re with the right people, in the right vibe; it really doesn’t matter so much where you are or what you actually do!

Most of us would appreciate a bigger house, a better location; more opportunities to go to amazing places, do everything we dream of and so on. However, sometimes that isn't going to be possible right now, so you really need to live in the moment, appreciate the memories created through the simplest of pleasures; and savour those little weekend treats.

It's important to know that whatever the future holds; you will then always have precious moments to reflect upon. Those that truly love and appreciate you for who you are, will also always stick around and encourage you. You can often sense with an inner knowing; your intuition, whether someone really has your back; or if they are just wanting your energy or perhaps around you for whatever you can provide.

Our time is precious; especially on those all important weekend days and evenings! Notice who you enjoy spending time with; whether it's when you’re busy or just relaxing, chatting away or comfortably silent. Who in your life lifts and recharges you? Equally, who drains your energy and always seems to want something from you...

***Be wise with wherever you place your attention, time and energy.

Be aware of boundaries and where they may often be crossed; try not to let yourself be railroaded.

Be mindful of where you sense unconditional love and friendship; also asking out to manifest more of the right people in your life; in alignment with your own vibration and energy.***

Often it is better to have a smaller close circle of genuine, authentic connections; to spend your weekend time with, and create amazing weekend vibes and memories with.

Personally, I have some great weekend memories to look back on over recent months; especially some time spent by the coast. This was time I enjoyed with someone very special to me; who accepts me for who I am, and loves me unconditionally!

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Along with these short weekend breaks away, creating amazing memories; we have also had days like today; sitting in the sunshine in the garden, enjoying a couple of drinks, chatting, relaxing and watching the children play and having a great Sunday vibe. Sometimes the simple things and less eventful days can still really create beautiful memories to hold onto.

These wonderful memories then keep us going throughout the week; allowing us to stay motivated and keep pushing forward until we reach the next weekend, ready to unwind and relax once more and enjoy the here and now.

Have a great week everyone.

(All words and photographs are original and copyright to me, thank you)

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