Growing Through Experiences; and Manifesting Positive Outcomes

I thought I’d share a little more and an update on the children’s sunflower growing experiences and competition; following on from an earlier post I wrote, alongside some reflective thoughts.


When they were planting the seeds a couple of weeks back, in the sunshine; it was clear to see the joy it gave them all. The other main thing of note was all the different things they thought they’d try in order to grow the tallest sunflower. Various things were discussed and a couple of things added.

My daughter, I could tell, put a lot of love and tenderness into hers; plus she decided to grow some for others who she loves within the family.



One of my sons decided to work with positive intention and joy. He wrote positive words on some of the pots; then adding embellishments to some too. He was also so happy planting them that he was literally dancing about whilst holding the pots.





My eldest son also drew positive images and words on a sheet of card; placing it under his pots to give positive energy to them. I’d often mentioned how you can change the energy and composition of food and water through positive words, healing energy, thoughts and intentions.

This has actually been studied and illustrated scientifically. Take a look at Dr Masaru Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages in Water (2004); regarding changes in the molecular structure of water; it’s fascinating!

Currently the sunflowers are all growing at different rates. Some are doing great, some didn’t grow at all, some have been affected by external issues such as slugs, birds or becoming waterlogged in a downpour for example!


When we got back at the weekend; from time away during the week, and saw just how much some of them had grown; the youngest children shrieked with joy! We then sat in the garden sharing cake (and a lovely big mug of tea for myself too of course) whilst admiring them.



The differences in what had grown in all the pots really got me thinking.
Those that had received the most love and joy appeared to be doing well; other than any sabotage by nature of course!

It is not always just about the basics of science such as sun, water, light etc. Sometimes there is an extra bit of magic; or absence of it, which affects an outcome or how quickly something can grow or blossom.

This is the same for all living things. If something knocks us in life; it can stop us or slow us down, taking us longer to achieve our desired goals. However, as I’ve said before, when we do get these set backs, it can actually make us even more determined; force us to look for other opportunities and then build our overall resilience.

I know in considering which of the seeds didn’t grow, my children will be wondering why and what was different about those particular ones; what did they perhaps do wrong? What could they do different next time? They will likely try to plant some more, in the hope of still growing the tallest sunflower overall!

I will tell them though, that positive intentions and thoughts, love and good energy can certainly help; but sometimes things just happen out of our control. We have to rally ourselves, keep moving forward and try again; learning and growing ourselves throughout the process.

All written content is original and copywrite to myself. All images are taken by myself on my iPhone unless otherwise stated.

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