Saturday Episode: An Epic Failed Usherette Experience

Hi, my dear Hivers! Reshychannn is back for another blog. This blog is all about what happened during my Saturday weekend. Be with me as I narrate and share this with you all.


A short flashback: On April 11, 2024, my classmate Claire sent me a message and told me that they were looking for usherettes for an event held in the town of Medellin on Saturday, April 13, 2024. The event is about awarding and recognizing the golf tournament winners at Queen’s Island Gold Course in Medellin, Cebu. She said the talent fee would be ₱1000.00, and so I agreed without having second thoughts.


Fast forward: Saturday came, and of course, I should get ready for the event as I will be one of the usherettes. My mind was very clouded at that time because I only had more or less 2 hours of sleep due to some circumstances. However, I just decided to deal with it since I need to earn money.

So yeah, I got ready. I did some minimal makeup since I just wanted to look natural. I also ironed my hair to make it look straighter and more beautiful. I put on my dress since my classmate said that we would be wearing a dress that was kind of "sexy." But that is my problem; I don’t have sexy dresses.☹️

I just wore an above-the-knee dress that I borrowed from my sister so that I wouldn’t look like an old lady if I wore my long dresses. I even felt so conscious because of my uneven skin color. I also put on my 1 1/2-inch heels.


When I was done getting myself ready, I messaged my classmates that are with me as usherettes since we have a group chat. We decided to meet at Gee’s place. The call time is at 3:00 pm since Claire said that the event will start at 5:00 pm. I told them to message me if they were already at Gee’s place since my place is just minutes away from Gee’s. I can just go there if they’re already there. By the way, we are four in the group: me, Gee, Claire, and Shie.


I also asked my sister to take photos of me before leaving.

When they said that they were already at Gee’s place, I also went there with my boyfriend as my driver. When I arrived, Claire and Shie were not ready yet. Shie is still not wearing a dress and has no makeup on. Claire hadn’t taken a bath yet. She said that she would take a bath at Gee’s place. And so, we went inside, and they did their thing.

I just waited for them to finish doing their makeovers. For a while, I helped Gee do her hair.

It’s almost 5:00 p.m., and they are still not done with their makeovers. They were already cramming because the person who asked us to be their usherettes for the event had already messaged and told us to go to the place now. The location of the event is just a one-minute drive from Gee’s place.

When they were done with their makeovers, we rushed to the event’s place.

When we arrived, the guests were already there. Somebody called us and told us to sit and just wait for them to call us if they needed us. THIS IS WHERE THE EPIC FAILED USHERETTE EXPERIENCE STARTS. 🤦🏻‍♀‍

We all looked so beautiful here.

We sat there, looking all beautiful and sexy. But my classmates actually wore super-sexy and pretty dresses, and guess what? The event is not even worth all these sexy dresses, heeled sandals and shoes, and makeup. It’s a totally basic event. Nothing was so special about it. There were no decorations at all. Just plain basic.

This was the venue.

We were all confused, as we did not know what to do. Actually, we were not even oriented about the things that we should do at the event. Someone just said that we would be serving the guest. We were shocked since we are usherettes but will be turned into waitresses. Plus, we were wearing heels and dresses. I have experienced being an usherette with different events so I know what usherettes do, such as guiding the guests, answer questions, and pointing directions if the guests want to go somewhere around the venue. However, it didn’t turn out to what I have expected. It was an “OMG!” expression for us.


When the event started, we still didn’t do anything. Most of the guests are foreigners, specifically Koreans, because most players in golf are Koreans. We felt like we didn’t belong at this event, wearing all these sexy dresses. The guests and other people were staring at us, and we felt uncomfortable.

It was now time to eat. The guests got their own food, and after a while, we were called so that we could also eat. I didn’t get a lot of food because I was not really hungry at that time.


When we were done eating, the event continued with their awards. And yet, WE STILL DIDN’T DO ANYTHING. We just shrugged it off and said that it’s fine as long as they will give us the said talent fee.

Not long after, the event came to an end without us doing anything as USHERETTES. I told Claire that she should approach the person who handled us to see if we could get the talent fee so we could leave. We waited for like an hour there, and it was already dark. It was already 6:50 p.m. Some of the guests approached us and offered us some drinks, but we politely declined.


Here’s the shocking moment. Claire got the talent fee, which amounted to ₱1000.00. However, that money is already intended for all of us. Meaning, we will divide the money by four, and we will have ₱250.00 each. We were dumbfounded. Claire said that the agreement was ₱1000.00 per person, not per group. But we just laughed it off since we also didn’t do anything.
I just told Claire to send the money to my Gcash account since there was no change. After that, I told them I would leave first because I still needed to go to the medical hospital to visit my boyfriend’s brother, who is admitted there.


Fast forward: We went to the hospital and changed my clothes there. We just stayed there for a few minutes to check on his brother’s condition. He seemed better than the last time we checked.

After a moment, we told his mother, who was also there with his brother, that we would be going since we hadn’t eaten our dinner yet.

We went to the center of the town to eat dinner. We dined at El Cuisinero and ordered our chosen foods. I was really tired and sleepy at that time.

Here’s our food. Yayyy! Looks good! And it tastes good, too.

Their blue-cucumber lemonade is my favorite. It was so refreshing.


We also got some barbecue from the neighboring store. It was served when we were almost done eating.


When we were done eating, I checked the time and it was already 10:00 p.m. So, we decided to go home.

That’s what happened to my Saturday. I still can’t get over that ₱250.00 talent fee. 🤣 Anyway, thank you so much for sparing your time reading this blog. I’ll see you on my next blog soon. Bye, Hivers!


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