Weekend Engagement - My Nerdy Passion

I actually found one of my passions quite early. I was very sensitive to numbers at a very young age, even till now. When I was a kid, I was happy when my toys had something related to numbers. The ten digits from "0" to "9" just fascinated me, which of course, I didn't know why at that time. When I was travelling on buses, I was busy counting the cars of different brands on the roads. During National Day (equivalent to Independence Day), I would count the number of flags hung out by houses that I see in the neighbourhood. And the list went on.

When I entered school, Mathematics was my favourite subject by far. But it was until I entered tertiary education (equivalent to High School), where I was exposed to this whole new field called Statistics (it's different from Mathematics btw lol) and I realised this was where my passion was.

As I moved along the education ladder, I was adamant about doing a major on Statistics during my undergraduate programme, even though job prospects for Statistics graduates were quite uncertain at that time. Fast forward to today, there is this whole shift to big data and data scientists are in so much demand, haha! I guess the future is always unknown.

Anyway, I digressed. I enjoyed my four years of undergraduate programme because I was living and breathing Statistics every day! I was able to learn in depth on many aspects about Statistics, which I gradually realised it was more than just counting numbers and doing forecasts. We learnt how Statistics could be used in financial modelling for finance, clinical trials in healthcare, or analysing demographics too! That said, there was still a "boring" component where we had to learn the history of how those distributions (Poisson, Normal, Binomial, etc) came about and the technical details on why they work, instead of just "blindly" applying the formulae. All in all, I know it sounds nerdy, but I really enjoyed my time and here's the proof of my degree in Statistics!

I had wanted to become a Statistician but there were always other considerations in life, and in the end, I went for job security and my current job doesn't quite involve the use of Statistics directly. And that's perfectly fine because that didn't diminish my passion for Statistics too!

On the side, I leave my passion for Statistics as a hobby. As you probably would realise, I still like to analyse numbers and I have shared some of my thoughts and analysis on Hive as well.

From analysing APR of projects..

To monitoring and tracking my step count..

To analysing my Splinterlands battle performance..

To even using Statistics for World Cup Betting..

Haha, alright, enough of my promotion of the geeky Statistics posts.

So that's all for my sharing this week! Hope you enjoyed reading and let me know if you have any comments! Have a pleasant weekend ahead!

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