Self-care: my priority

We care so much about what people say, and that is limiting us as humans. We tend to forget about ourselves while taking care of others, and we care a lot more about other people's opinions than our own. We prioritize others' happiness over ours, and this made some people die in silence; they took care of everyone but found no one to take care of them, and in the process of doing this, humans will never be grateful. No matter how hard you try to impress them, you are still not doing enough, and this is the problem some are facing today.

I am compassionate, and that is who I am. I have a kind heart, and I can say that I help people when needed, but no matter how kind and compassionate I am, I always come first in anything. I made myself my top priority years ago after I was disappointed in taking care of someone who didn't appreciate my efforts and forgot myself in the process. This led to me learning the hard way to always think of myself before any other person.

Humans are difficult to satisfy, and that is a fact everyone has to believe. It's easy for someone to say they appreciate all you've done, but do they mean it? That should be the first question to ask yourself before going the extra mile for anyone. Some people were at the peak of losing their lives just because they wanted to impress someone, while the person you were trying to impress didn't even care much about what you did. Self-care isn't being selfish; it is simply taking care of yourself and prioritizing your happiness over your kind and compassionate heart. To avoid being taken for granted, you have to take good care of yourself and build your happiness zone, even amidst trial times.

Never jeopardize your happiness for anyone; do things that make you happy and complete; and prioritize yourself over anyone else. Going through a lot of stress in Nigeria, no one needs to impress others because we are all dancing to the tune. Live your life the way you want and stay happy. For me, self-care isn't being selfish; it is needed at times to live the life you desire.

Image credit is mine

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