

Good day, dear hivers. Today I will be sharing with you the things that we are doing inside the training center. Some of which are not really relevant to the training, so think about that it is our break time. A not so hard weekend experience of mine but let is push for the better of this journey. I want to thank Him for a good weather. One of my unforgettable weekend experience this year as I am walking going home and able to get the chance to see some of the view within the hiway.


When I look at my pictures during our training, I remember the day I passed my requirements to enroll in this training center. I guess it was past two months that I've been called to confirm if I'm still in for the training, I said "Yes" off course I waited for two months and ready to start.


Sometimes you just realize how nice it is to be in a group of people with whom you have the same goal, which is to learn. Baking as we know is more of a science, you got to measure everything right for the result to be good or maybe a perfect baked good.



Donuts are just so irresistible but it is really very sweet for me because of the compound chocolate melted at the top. I will eat maybe one or two but not more than that. I will be very excited to know more recipes in our last week of training. I will be very excited to finish this course as this is one of the competencies related to the course i took up in college. I will be very happy to try some of the recipes at home.






I love cookies 🤤 it is just so good to eat with coffee. I am happy to bake cookies as this is one of my favorite early morning goodies. Those crinkles are like good food for the kids it is soft and the sweetness is just right for them. It is a good snacks for most of the kids and so with adults. You can save from these baked goods when you bake them your own.


Well then, thanks to my classmate for this coffee, this will be my first try, let us see how does this taste☺️ I love to try different kinds of coffee. I love a not so sweet type, with a more bitter taste.


After the training, I went to a health center to ask for some ideas on where to get medical certificate as a requirement for my training but sad to say they don't have it and don't know where to get it. I am definitely stress a bit about the requirements as I don't have my motorcycle anymore and it will not be easy for me already to go where important matters need to take me. Supposedly I will not pursue this training but thinking about my waiting time like for two months it will not be worth it for me.









After asking where to get medical certificate I then decided to take a walk going home to save money also because it is just 10-15 minutes away maybe by walk. Sometimes I am thinking about the benefits of walking rather than always riding for a motorcycle but then sometimes I can say to have motorcycle is also important specially when your house is not beside the hiway so after you go out of tricycle you gotta have some fun walking, rain or shine, it's sad not to have motorcycle,it is hard but what I can do, I have no stable job yet so can't take what I want.

I probably plan to blog when the company took the motorcycle as I was not able to pay for how many months but it will be more painful to write things about it. It saddens me but I know what will happen already so have to accept it.

I miss the motorcycle but then I can't do anything. I miss it because it is my companion to wherever I go,it is very helpful in my important journey of life.

All I wish is to have another one when I have that dream job already. It is tiring to walk sometimes, I definitely have hard time to take a breath sometimes while walking but I just have to take a rest for a minute and life must go on so have to continue my walk until I reach my destination.

This is probably the worst entry of my year to not have with me the motorcycle but then I look forward to have one in the near future, I still don't know when, maybe after 5 years 🥺🥺. A sad part and a very sad part though I already accept the reality but it is still hard🥲

I am sorry to include my experience about my motorcycle but I will be having a separate blog of this experience. I was able to insert because of my experience walking going home.

I will be ending my blog sad but hopefully I can recover from this soon.

Thank you so much for taking the time tor read this blog of mine. I may not have that very quality of pictures sometimes it is because of my phone but I hope you understand. Thank you so much for every support you gave me dear hivers and for more blog to come.

Bye for now and take care always, God Bless!

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