¿sexy or smart? ...🙄 / ınitiative #145

Hello hello community, I hope you are having a great weekend! I want to start my lines by confessing that I was impressed this time with the ideas proposed by @galenkp this week💖, there is no doubt that he has very peculiar and authentic ideas to share with us xD hahahaha

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I chose to talk between being sexy or smart? And well, I tell you that I am intelligent! Although intelligence can be defined in many ways, I know that I have the ability to understand, interpret and analyze situations that arise in my life. For some time I have been carrying out a SWOT analysis to refresh a clear and sincere self-knowledge of myself, this gives me It allows me to self-evaluate and I make a list of my strengths and weaknesses, I measure what my opportunities would be and those possible threats that could interfere with my development and personal growth.

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Although I have never been a friend of numbers or mathematics, I always find the way or means to get on that bus and go for my goals, academically speaking. Once a friend told me that I was a perceptive girl and how right she was, I have the quality of perceiving and noticing details that other people can go unnoticed, it is not intentional, I see a person's look and I realize instantly How are you emotionally? Currently I also enjoy emotional intelligence, I recognize my own feelings and I know how to control myself, it makes it easier for me to provide a large dose of motivation and although I was not always like this, I learned and applied empathy, which humanity needs so much.

Being sexy really seems to me to be a matter of attitude, since it is not only seen by physical attributes, one can also have a sexy personality, attract attention in a positive and authentic way that differentiates us from the crowd, if we feel ugly Well, that's how they will see us, because we transmit what we carry inside.

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This was my participation today, I hope you liked it. Health and life to you!! What have you come up to here? 😁🍻 your friend @proymet 💖


Note: The photos are taken from my Tecno Spark 7 Phone, they are images from my personal gallery. The cover image was edited in Canva free version.
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