My best/memorable year was when I got admission in UoS for English Literature

Hello hivers hope you all are safe and sound my special year is 2017 when i got admission in Pakistan's famous and oldest university (University of sindh) for literature because i like literature and this year has changed me





**Importance of Literature **

It is the field dealing with universal human interest, aesthetic pleasure, and artistic merit with the beauty of expression. Human emotions, sentiments, personal experiences have been eminent themes of this vast area for ages. Literature simply provides a window for people to look at the world with sage and insight. It is an artistic creation that allows the reader to not only dive into an alien world but also allows reflecting on various issues. It is not a mere recital of an ordinary speech, it contains artistic values. Literature is never limited to a certain sphere, it has a vast canvas. It compels us to think critically which ultimately develops our capacity of mature thinking. Literature brings awareness in all aspects of human life. There are many limitations on the extent of a man's life time on earth and literature services as a method of transcending such barriers. It gives us awareness of standing harder for our rights.
Literature is the unique way for people to hear the picture of past and work with running world . We can learn the art of connectivity by going through history that we have never experienced and it is possible only through literature. It opens up the third eye of social connectivity. We come in contact with what we deserve and what is right for us and the people in our surrounding. We become aware that literature broadens the thin line between right and wrong.
Literature of many languages has deeper and lasting influences up on their respective people.
For example the poetry of Shah Abdul latif bhittai are versatile till date and can be implemented universally showing general human interest. This Poetry of Shah Abdul Latif shows the versatility of Sindhi literature

پَڙهيو ٿا پڙهنَّ، ڪَڙهن ڪين قُلُوب ۾؛.
پاڻا ڏوہَ چڙھنَّ، جئن وَرَ قَ ورائين وِتَرا.

شاھ عبداللطيف ڀٽائي.

Poetry Source

If we go through the English literature the literary works are separated into different era’s also known as literary periods. In English literature for the purpose of Studying, such as the Renaissance, the romantic Period, Elizabethan period, Jacobean period so on and so forth. For each period there are contemporary writers, poets, and figures of time in terms of the literary works.

For example: It was the effect of the Renaissance period on the people was very Large and it was the renaissance that was rebirth of knowledge and wisdom Then Romanticism period changed the course of history and individuality was preferred Jacobean period saw the growth of literary work and theater. Infect theater had reached at its peak of popularity during this period. Playwrights were the dramatists who contributed significantly towards the development of theater. Some of the notable figures of this time were William Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, john Webster, Thomas Middleton and many. if we go through the annals of Literature. It is crystal clear that Literature has changed the life and has the huge impact on it ,

Time is very slow for those who wait
Very fast for those who are scared?
Very long for those who lament
Very short for those who celebrate
But for those who love, time is eternal
William Shakespeare.

Poetry source

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