A tour to the stadium last weekend with my boyfriend.

Princess is now in a relationship and I am excited about it! 🀩🀩

My boyfriend came to spend some days with me and he left three days ago. Before he went back, he made sure I take him on a tour in my school and I was willing to take him there too to see some amazing things in the school compound.

Entering the school compound, we met some statues in front of a department and he told me to take some shots for him which I did.


This is a statue of a crocodile. This, and other statues have been there for many years even before I gained admission into the college. While walking around the school, I told him of a true life story of a particular lecture hall where some spirit are always there at night.

Some students who experienced this never went there for night classes again because the hall is always dark, unlike other lecture halls where there is always light around the hall. Students who stayed long till 7 pm would start perceiving some signs of a strange and perturbed air and tiny voices would start coming out. Every student will run for their life.

Some stubborn students would prefer seeing such with their own eyes because they believe that β€œseeing is believing.” My boyfriend was astonished hearing that and he asked if it was real or just a fabricated story. I told him it is real and the spirit are still there today. Nothing is done about it.


This is another statue of a young man lifting big weight. As you can see, the young man already has a huge body with six packs. Those with six-packs are said to be cute and handsome. There is a guy in the Nollywood movies that I am crushing on as he also has six packs with a huge body. When he walks, he is always with a style which I admire in him.


It is common to see serious students with their books around them. They are easy to recognize that, these are bookworms and are always attentive in class. Do you remember being serious even as a new student in the University? 😁😁

I remembered I was serious as a fresher and I was focused to finish with good grades. I love carrying my books around when I am in school, unlike some unserious element who prefer to disturb during lectures and you'd wonder if they ever come to school to learn or watch other people learn while they disturb.


Have you ever troubled or disturbed your mom before while you were young? πŸ˜‚ I did!

This young boy is seen trying to gain his mother's attention even when she has lots of thoughts rummaging through her mind. Perhaps she is a single mother, thinking of how she would feed and survive with her only son, but what does the young chap understand? As young children, the only thing we know is to eat, sleep and play while our parents take up the responsibility of making sure we are doing fine.

I watched a movie some time ago where the young boy asked his mother where they would be living since they sold their house after the death of their father. The woman turned and said to him not to bother about that because it was none of his business but hers. His own is to be a good boy while she caters for him and the second child.


This man is really tired after the day's work. He must be a farmer who had gone to work on the farm for several hours and at a point, he decided to take some rest to relieve himself.

Maybe I should take @hopestylist as an example here πŸ˜‚ I believe Hope must have been this way many times after working and staying active here on Hive, and at the end of the day, she would decide to close her phone and take some rest because she believes the body isn't a wood not to rest. We all would take much rest so we don't break down.

Okay, now that we are done snapping those statues, we head over to the school's stadium where we saw some team playing football.


He said he wanted to watch the team playing and we went into the stadium and sat at the upper side of the audience space.



He felt like playing with them too because he wasn't feeling too comfortable watching but that was in any way not possible since he wasn't part of them. Besides, those playing were from other places who came to make use of the school's stadium.

We spent close to an hour and when it was getting late, we stood to go back home. It was a wonderful moment spent together while I showed him around my school and the beauty therein.

A fun weekend in the end!

All pictures taken with my phone.

Thanks for your time


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