Weekend engagement topic week 204.

Hello great people of hive community I hope weekend was awesome,mine wasn't too bad,i guess it was just peaceful,just to say a big thank you to
@galenkp for such an amazing topics, the topics are really interesting and would require some self analyzation to answer them.
I am glad to share my answers here.

QUESTION: Would you still want to post blog on hive if there was no monetary reward at all?

MY THOUGHTS: I guess this topic is a bit challenging,it makes me to ponder over and over again on what hive would look like and the level of my engagement on hive,how it would be affected if am not paid for the efforts,
well I feel i need to be honest with my answers and point out some reasons for my answers.

The first information i heard about hives shaped my mindset to expect more on hive and to be rewarded.
That's the the mindset of being paid,
i guess this is the first reason i wouldn't want to keep blogging if there's no monetary reward.
When hive is introduced to a person, most things about hives is being discussed and more especially it's benefits,these benefits motivates anyone to want to do more on hive
whereas if these benefits wasn't there, unconsciously ,hive users would rarely blog especially due to some tight schedules.

Monetary reward in hive makes the platform to be different from other platforms,before hive came into existence people where already engage in other social media platforms but for hive to be monetary.
It pulls a great amount of attention to itself and it's becomes motivating.if there's no benefits attached i guess i won't be motivated enough to keep blogging .
This motivation makes most hive users to be active.

To be able to stay connected and keep blogging,we sacrifice money for data and to me the good news is no matter the amount of money you spend on data
at least you may be rewarded.
Hence if hive wasn't rewarding it will be difficult to keep blogging
probably blogging would be once in a while.

To post on hive requires hard work, time, physical and mental energy and great effort.
Most of our personal jobs wouldn't give us time to blog but it's more comforting when a person knows that he or she can be rewarded if he is active on this platform,that's the more reason i would blog as long as hive is monetary.

ohh I must applaud the standard rules and regulations in hive. You guys are good.
And this is one of my strongest reasons
I may not blog if hive isn't monetary
Hives regulations are strictly tough.
Personally i wouldn't love to go through all the stress without being rewarded.
Just my humble and sincere opinion.
Thank you so much guys for reading through .

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