Pressure and stress am currently feeling. Week 207.

Hello everyone on hive , happy new week to you all and am hoping this new week will bring you more peace . Just a big shout out to @galenkp for some amazing weekly topics.
Am glad to take part in this week's topic and to write on the topics which says

What pressure and stress are you currently feeling,explaning what,why and how you might improve the situations.

As a mother, parenting is quite a taskful responsibilities and am passing through alot of pressure and stress of raising three adorable kids where the eldest is just five years old.
I really wish and want the best for my kids.
However, trying to accomplish motherhood task has been so stressful and pressurizing especially moms like us without a house help.
For the past few weeks it's been hectic, trying to keep them healthy and to follow up on their academics,etc.

Why i have to improve the situations .

-Baasically it is for my health,too much of pressure and stress can lead to serious health challenges example are high blood pressure, heart palpitations and anxiety,
Therefore i need to eliminate the pressure and stress before it becomes life threatening.
and secondly,for my kids and their mental health.
It's difficult to be able to take good care of my kids when am stressed and under pressure,and a negative mental state from me can affect their mental state also.

How to improve the situations:

.By staying calm:
staying calm and being more relax will go a long way to eliminate pressure and stress,it boost helps the mind to rest and it gives the mind a proper direction.

By increasing my capacity :
Increasing my capacity for responsibilities will help me to put things in place right on time,and timely execution of responsibilities will bring peace and eliminate pressures.

By avoiding comparison :
one of the things i have noticed about life is creating of pressures through comparison .
I have learned to take life simple and easy without pushing my kids to be like who I don't

Creating fun with the kids:
my mom once told me that its possible to let go of stress when fun is involved,i will create a balance time for fun with the kids.

By showing them the way:
Grown up kids usually helps their parents in house chores . teaching them early on the right things to do will be of great help to me in time to come.
This goes a long way in helping a stressed parents

exercise is a great stress reliever and am voing to be more intentional about it.

Thank you so much friends for reading through .

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