¡Watchout! this post contains "Subliminal Messages for the Masses"

And precisely because today is already weekend. I have the hunch that you will have more free time to consume it from start to end. Who knows? Maybe you will later think and reflect on why you ended up clicking and consuming this post and why you tend to consume what you consume today.

Being and feeling the current world as convulsed, polarized, tangled and confused as it is now perceived by everyone, nowadays one tends to wonder why it is now perceived in this way. Right? So, let's see if together we can unravel this puzzle.

Hence, without more ado...

¡The Artist and his Artwork!

Sit comfortable in your armchair and let the show begin!!

"Programming the Hive nation in just an hour and a half"

Oh! and by the way.

If it happens that you clicked on the headline and read everything there was to read in this persuasive article, but even so you still decided not to consume the video from intro to outro regardless of the fact that it is right now the weekend.

Then, please tell us anyway what made you decide not to do it and now try to unravel this somewhat simpler puzzle below. ¡I will wait for your comment! }:)

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf


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