Hot and sweaty

Well now I'm just deliberately misleading you!

No hot and sweaty girl pictures here, sorry! No muscular, shirtless men either!


Just another day with a hot and sweaty foodie.

Today started out pretty well actually. We had rain this morning! Oh it was wonderful. Kept it all to ourselves, we did. Didn't share any of it with @oaldamster (sorry!).

So no watering the plants today, buuuut I did find two slugs. One in the strawberries and one in the lettuce, ugh! Gotta start my slug hunt again I guess. They didn't do too much damage yet though. I still had a very bountiful strawberry harvest and still have plenty of lettuce left for a couple of salad lunches.

So I was going to write you a big, sophisticated post today (not really), but mum called and we talked for a loooong time, as we do, so now, it's just a random day in the life of me post.

Did nothing of import this morning. Was a lazy girl, bingewatching. Well... listening atleast. I think I have a smartphone problem. Gotta let that thing rest more often.

This afternoon, things got heated! Outside. And in, because sun on a flat roof. So basically, like yesterday, I had my schedule the wrong way around. Need to learn this lesson early in the season! So I'm now hot and sweaty, typing on the pc. Which is so silly, because it's not like this is any kind of exertion, but somehow, it's a lot warmer than just lying in my chair. Okay, that's even less exertion, but still.

Yes, lazy foodie! I'll be less lazy and boring this weekend. Big plans! Need tomorrow to get myself ready, torturing my poor legs, so I can look good in a skirt (nope, nothing left unsaid here!). Still need to plant some seeds aswell tomorrow. And then comes sunday. Which is a big day! Oh yes, it will be both father's day and my birthday. I don't celebrate my birthday, so we're just doing the big father's day tour. Visiting father in law and stepfather in law in the morning and afternoon... I think... hubby doesn't make plans, so I'm still not sure... and then heading over to mum for dinner and then maybe visiting dad later in the evening, if he is home in time after a barbecue.

So basically, like mum said: It's father's day and the only person I have solid plans with is my mum.

Then sleepover at mum's, because monday, it's her birthday! Yep, it's celebration week. Wedding anniversary tomorrow, then my birthday, then mum's. Hubby has it easy, remembering those dates!

Oh yes, many plans. I think we'll move our own private anniversary and birthday celebration to somewhere next week though. Hubby has the week off and maybe we'll go out for dinner or something.

So anyway, those are my weekend plans. What are yours?

Oh, and don't forget, you have about 16 more hours to join the Little Nightmares giveaway (steam gamekey), before I pick a winner tomorrow.

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