A calm weekend and a crappy night

Our weekend was calm and relaxing.

Saturday started out with a quick visit from mum and dad, on their way to my brother. Seeing as I don't usually have cookies or something lying around, we headed to the shop early to get some. That was the start of something beautiful...

Dinner! So both kale and sweet potatoes were on sale in our little hometown shop. I figured I could make a nice mashed dish with those and went looking for vegan bacon pieces. Which, ofcourse, being a small hometown shop, they didn't have. My freezer did though! So we had a very delicious dinner that evening. I want to write down its recipe somewhere in the near future, so you'll probably see/read more about it then. (While ordering groceries online this morning, I made sure to order the ingredients for another batch!)

Playfulfoodie Waterloopbos

On sunday, we drove towards the nearest, big-ish forest and went for a nice walk. We tried to go early to beat the crowd, but hubby slept in just a little too long, so when we arrived... everyone else did too. I quickly rushed us forward at a high tempo to not have to look at everyone's back all walk long and that resulted in a nice and quiet walk.

Afterwards, we played New World together, helping hubby level up his healing staff and doing the main quest (I am very much behind on that one). We had leftovers from the freezer for dinner and went to bed fairly early.

First, I couldn't get warm, then, my top half was way too warm while my bottom half was still cold. My body did not like that discrepancy and as a result, I was kept awake for half of the night. Ugh! I already started to feel like I was getting a cold, which this horrible night did not help with. So now, I actually feel kinda crappy and I'll be forced to take it slow today.

Is summer on its way back yet?

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P.S.: The picture above is created by me and not to be used anywhere without my written consent.

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