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Sunday feeling..... weekend almost gone [135]


It's Sunday, and the weekend butterflies I usually feel in my tummy are no more. Honestly, I feel bad knowing that my freedom is limited and I'll have to resume my routine activities, I sulk at just the thought.

To many, Sunday as the last weekend day is always full of plans and anticipation for the week ahead while to others they grab this day with open arms making merriment, having fun and going on outings knowing fully well that the week's gonna be hectic and stressful.

I belong to the first class of people describe above, in as much as I feel bad that the two days of freedom is coming to an abrupt end, I also try to make plans for the strenuous week ahead and it sure helps a whole lot besides he who fails to plan, plans to fail...... don't wanna be a victim you know.

Therefore, there are several activities I carry out in anticipation of the usually stressful week and some are:

  • Having lots of rest and sleep; Since I wake up very early in preparation for work each weekday, I endeavor to sleep and rest as many times as possible. Doing this gives me a calmer and more relaxed brain to get me ready for the sleepless nights I'll have to spend on the week ahead

  • Dress sorting and ironing;I end up scattering my wardrobe in a bid to sort out what my dress code for the week would look like. I straighten them if need be by ironing and make sure my footwears are in good order so I don't have to spend time trying to figure out my dress choice each day.

  • Schedule planning; To ensure that my activities take place orderly and by arrangement, I map out plans for the week by writing them out in tabular form allotting time to each activity. I avoid defying the schedule as I keep to it strictly.

Taking the above procedures into consideration has been of great help. I can't lengthen the weekend as my hands are tied🤣 but it's cool anyways because there's time for everything.

Hey @galenkp, here's my entry concerning the weekend engagement challenge [135]