[131]Weekend Engagement Concept- In search of new friends

Hi friends, it's my pleasure to be among this week's participant of the weekend contest by @galenkp. I'm delighted to write on this phase of the contest:

You're on the search for a new friend this weekend...What qualities do you look for in them and why?


As an extrovert, I socialize very well with strangers, we talk and crack jokes but that doesn't make them my friends but simply acquaintances. I admire this proverb that one friend is the best, two is okay but three is a crowd. For an individual to merit my friendship, he/she must display the following qualities:

1. Persistence:: It is said that persistence is the key, I'm known for never giving up even when frustrated, I press on until my efforts yield great results. I go through odds to finish what I started that's why I'm known to be a risk taker. My friend must cultivate this spirit of perseverance, yes he/she must always stand tall even when under severe trials and difficulties, it makes an individual a stronger person. To be a friend of mine, I will want such individual to share some things in common, as this will help us keep each other going.

2. Transparency: I wouldn't want a friend who appears to be as cunning as a serpent. As far as I wouldn't want to pry into other people's private affairs, I wouldn't also want a friend of mine to be so secretive when it comes to matters that concerns the both of us, hiding relevant and important informations which could aid my survival or better still endanger my life, such friends ain't worth keeping. I really do want to keep friends that are open and straight forward in all our dealings together.

3. Bravery: Yeahhhhh, I love brave people, I do admire them so much. Brave people are willing to go through thorns and thistles to achieve their goals, they are always courageous and take risks that are worth it. I really do not want a coward as a my companion, a fearful, dull human. Courage to stand up tall, courage to face it all, yep I need a courageous and brave soul.

There's this adage that says:

Show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are

Friends are like mirror, they reflect what we really look like, the types of friends we decide to keep tells a lot about us and surely has either a positive or negative impact in our lives. Friends and family keeps us going, so it's up to each and every one of us to make the right choice.

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