RE: Peachy!

I haven't done a formal seminar, but I've taught a few friends my methods. I used to use the money to flip vehicles/ATVs/weed at a profit, but since the Robinhood and Coinbase apps found their way to my phone, I've been able to make more with less work. Ethereum Classic (ETC) caught me up with some $ left over to spend a couple years ago, this year I cashed out my modest investment in Cleveland-Cliffs (that I first bought with my extra ETC $) and caught up the last 2 years of taxes. I'm slowly building a collection of dividend stocks to cover my taxes each year, but I'm probably another 10 or 15 years away from having that set up.

A seminar would be cool, and beautifully selfless of me. The megalomaniacal supervillain in me thinks it would be better to set it up as a service, where you send me your tax money and I pay your taxes, plus give you back 10% or so of what I make with your money. In the end, I'll probably just do a post about it. Maybe I'll write a TED talk, I've always wanted to do one of those!

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