WE98: Wayside Wandering


I’ve held the honored privilege of wandering many a wayside in my time. I’ve woken in the morn and stepped my bare feet upon the crystalline dew perched upon the grass in the middle of the Amazon jungle. I’ve laid my head upon the softest pillow within a hammock on the veranda facing a fierce and mighty Corentyne River in Guyana. I’ve taken a deep, satisfying breath of crisp dawn air in my lungs on top of the peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains. But my best time in nature has always been, and always will be, the cherished moments I get to defeat the burden of reality on the shores of the mighty oceans of our beautiful world.

Nothing is so vital to the health of my soul than the salty bite of the ocean air on my lips. I was born a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean and most of my adult life was spent within 30 minutes or so from the ocean. It is as a part of me as the sweat upon my brow and the lifeblood flowing through my veins. It calls to me as the sweet song of the siren beckoning my return and I must heed. Mother Ocean has cradled me in her embrace and rocked the pain of defeat and betrayal from my heart as her loving waves hid my burning tears. Her bosom has given me the most pleasurable meals of my existence and I can’t fathom a feast that does not feature her glorious bounty.

My love affair with the ocean has bewitched me for an eternity and I am blessed by her adoration. She loves me more deeply than I deserve and she has constantly given with only requesting respect in return. She KNOWS me and I her, as sweetly as I’ve known a lover’s embrace. She is a jealous muse and the lack of respect of her Titan powers will bring a retribution that is biblical in nature. Yet she adores me.

Basically…..I like the beach….lolololol Thanks for reading and remember that I love you all and each of you have the potential for excellence!

All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost


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