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Laughing and joking is good for health!


Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the original sin of the world. If the caveman had been able to laugh, the story would have been different.

(Oscar Wilde)

The weekend starts and I'm ready for my WXPERIENCE WEEKEND.

This time I've delayed a bit from my usual and find myself writing during the night.

There's a reason, this morning we returned to Reggio from the sea and went for some usual medical examinations; once at home, after having lunch, with Reny we allowed ourselves a very long afternoon siesta which lasted until dinner time; after eating I watched a football match on TV and then it was a little later.

Having rested all afternoon he was already planning to move some of the things to do for the night so no problem but just a different organization than usual.

We come to us, as always all very interesting topics, I chose to talk about the sense of humour.

My decision fell on this topic for various reasons, first of all because it links very well to my posts from the previous days in which I talk about positive thinking; beyond that, in general, I think life faced with a smile is always better.

Since I was young I have always had a highly developed sense of humor, this character trait of mine has always been very well linked to the self-irony that distinguishes me.

Trying to joke as much as possible, obviously when possible and when opportunities allow it, has always allowed me to live lightly, laughing and smiling as much as possible; In this approach of mine, the thing that certainly gives me the greatest satisfaction is when, with my joke, I manage to give a smile to those around me.

I have always thought that smile and humor are very important weapons to have in one's arsenal as they help to experience all the events of life using the right approach; they are certainly characteristics that, if exercised in the right way, lead to a great personal benefit, as mentioned above, however, when you leave your backyard and with a sentence, a joke or a simple gesture you give someone a smile to us close then you go from a right approach to a glittering victory.

In recent times I have changed my approaches trying to become a little more selfish, of course I have my nature and it is not easy to change it after 41 years of life in a certain way, for this very reason, the altruism that has always distinguished me is something that will always be very present and that I will use in my relationship with other people.

It's something I don't do because I'm better or I want to feel better or bullshit like that, I'm just like that and I'm glad to know I've been useful to others.

I believe that one of the greatest help that can be given is precisely that of making people laugh and giving lightness to a life which, in itself, is quite heavy; in this way of seeing a sense of humor is important and it has become ingrained in me.

How it worked from a strictly practical point of view I can't say, what I do know is that when something negative happens and I manage to play down or make a joke and "make her laugh" the situation improves and in any case I feel a feeling of well-being inside me which, in bad situations, is not at all obvious and indeed, probably, by most people it is considered almost abnormal.

I also learned that not everything in life works out for everyone; I'm like that and cheerfulness and humor work great for me, for others they may not make sense and I can even understand it, on the other hand they say that the world is beautiful because it's varied, right?

It is thought that people who use their "Humor" are not very serious, there are so many stereotypes that exist about this way of doing, in the past some people may have thought of me as a "clown"; I confess that it doesn't affect me in the slightest, I have always shown my seriousness and reliability with facts and I have always accompanied them with a smile.

This smile that accompanies me will always stay with me, it's something I would like to be able to convey to Samuele too; life isn't always easy and along the way there are many moments of suffering and sadness, I myself have experienced very intense moments in recent months, but being able to smile in adversity helps keep the bar straight.

There are people who fall into the spiral of depression, letting sadness pull them down; I believe that instead it is important to know how to embrace one's sufferings because they are part of life, to do so one must also know how to "laugh about it", it is something that helps to get up and continue.

Those who love us, those who watch and protect us from up there know how much we suffer for their absence and certainly won't be offended by seeing us smile, the thing that instead offends the memory of our loved ones and our ancestors is surrender; never give up, continue, fall and get up again, make your lives shine this is a demonstration of strength and courage.

Doing all of this with a nice smile is a bit of a sense of humor, I think it's something enviable... and I confess, I've always preferred to envy than to be envied eh eh!

Well, that's enough for this weekend but I think I'll fish from this week's themes in the next few days because there are really good topics to develop.

As always, thanks for getting this far.
Do you think you have a developed sense of humor?
Do you like to joke?
Do you happen to make a few jokes that make others smile?
For example, I'm very good at telling jokes ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let me know the answers to these questions and more generally your thoughts in the comments below.

Hug you!

โ€œYes, I too was born among men. I had never seen the Jungle. They fed me food from behind bars into an iron vessel until one night I felt I was Bagheera, the Panther, and not a toy for men, and I kicked the stupid lock off and went away; and because I had learned the wiles of men, in the Jungle I became more terrible than Shere Khan."

The texts are translated with simultaneous translators; for the avoidance of doubt I have decided that they will all be translated exclusively with Google Translate.
Of course, English is not my first language but I try, forgive any mistakes and imperfections of Translate.