Words of wisdom - weekend engagement, week #172

Advising children can be a herculean task, especially when they are younger. For ten-year-olds, they are barely getting to discover themselves and are on the verge of teenagehood. However, when advising them, I try to speak about issues that pertain to their growth path. Three things I will advise them on are:

Be kind and honest: I am a teacher in a Bible club, and one thing I always emphasize to the kids is to be kind and honest. I have met kids that are not kind; at every opportunity they have, they bully other kids with either condemning words or fighting them, while some are so good at lying that they lie effortlessly. I always tell them to treat others the way they want to be treated. Kindness goes a long way; it spreads happiness and joy in the lives of people. It takes nothing to be kind; offer help whenever you can. Any small act of kindness can make a difference in the lives of people, while being honest makes people rely on you and also builds trust.

Practice gratitude: Count your blessings, and be thankful for every single one of them. Every day of your lives, be grateful, both for what you have and what you do not have. When you are grateful for what you have, you will be empathetic towards others who do not have it. Gratitude reminds us that we are not better than others; we are only more privileged than others. Gratitude keeps us in a perpetual state of thankfulness for the opportunity to enjoy the little favors we see in our lives.Gratitude makes one happier; it takes away greed.

Never stop learning and work hard: I once read somewhere that "curiosity is your superpower". Ask questions. Through asking questions, you get to know and understand things better and also keep exploring the world around you. Work hard at whatever you find yourself doing; be consistent and diligent. Success mostly comes from hard work and determination.

I will leave you with this last word. Have fun; life is full of adventure. Make the most of it and create beautiful and wonderful memories.


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