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The Gift


I have three dollars to spend on a gift for @galenkp. One might think this would be hard to do. Three USD, after all, is very little money! It doesn't even buy a hot dog in this hillbilly town of mine, once you figure in the tax and tip.

Here are some choices one might have come up with, that cost less than three USD dollars, and that I think might interest him, but who can be sure? I recently learned he does not drink alcohol or smoke any weed, so no tiny bottles of booze or rolling papers for him.

A few pieces of bubble gum or candy
A couple of bullets (how much do bullets cost anyway?)
A Starbucks gift card (are there Starbucks in Australia?)
A bumper sticker
A set of boot laces, the cheap kind
A packet of seeds
nine Hive tokens
Mexican jumping beans
postage stamps

That last idea brought up the issue of shipping from the US to Australia, and I found this:


Oopsie! Even the smallest gift's shipping cost would far exceed three bucks! So, I'm not including the shipping. I’ll teleport the gift to him.

As hard as this task might have been for some, I really had to give it almost no thought. I immediately knew what I would give him, that would cost me very little, and possibly even nothing because I’m growing it in my own backyard. The thumb photograph is of my present, and he and I have even had a conversation about this particular plant. I could spend the three bucks on a nice length of ribbon, and a cheap greeting card to go with my little present.

Time for the big reveal! I’m finally over 300 words! (327, not including this parenthetical, and counting the screen shot as one word, to be exact)

Here's a possibly little known fact about Galen — he loves flowers! I've read a couple of his posts that center on lavender specifically, so my choice of a present is a small nosegay of lavender.


This is my entry to @galenkp's weekly weekend engagement event. I've chosen to tell him what I would buy him with three American dollars.

Congrats on making it to three years!!!