Parade of yachts in the Mediterranean Sea... In honor of the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic. #TheLongestTrip // I'm at this moment


My children were sick today, so I quietly got up and went to catch the autumn sun on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.



Autumn is truly the most beautiful season, both in Ukraine and in Turkey, where I am now. Of all the countries I have been to, the climate of the Antalya region suits me the most. But in autumn, the weather is truly heavenly. The temperature during the day is 27 - 29 degrees Celsius. At night 18 - 20 degrees of heat. The water temperature in the sea is 22 degrees. It doesn't rain. The sea is not stormy.
And the aromas of flowers become even stronger in autumn for some reason. The flowers fall and create a magical carpet on the cobblestones. Isn't it heaven on earth!?



Walking like this, I came to the seashore. Now, to enjoy being on the pebble beach, you need to come at 14:30 at the latest. Compared to the summer, when I came to the beach at 6 p.m., now I have to hurry to get warm :)
If you come at 1 p.m., the stones are still very hot. And at 14 - 15 it is still warm.
I swam and relaxed on the hot pebbles...
And here was a pleasant surprise for my weekend! On the beach I saw a fascinating picture in the sea. A huge number of yachts gathered at a distance of several hundred meters from the shore!
It turns out that today, October 29, 2023, Turkey is celebrating its 100th anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Turkey.
And in honor of such an outstanding date, a yacht parade was held around Antalya.



For lovers of yachting, it must have been a truly grand spectacle. I never go on yachts because I get seasick. But while sailing at sea, I always watch two of the most beautiful tourist ships the "Medusa" and the "Monster", return to the lighthouse to the pier with upbeat music.



Yachts were honking and it was a lot of fun to watch all this show, which took place to the famous music "Izmir Marşi"
The ships, like people, flaunted their grace and beauty in the sea to each other, turning smoothly and displaying their majesty. And I remembered Kuzma Scriabin's famous song:
"People are like ships... Everyone floats while the wave carries and while the water is deep...
And the waves are quietly carried to the shore...
Wounded souls of living ships
And from the shore they go to the sea again. Those who believed and wanted to know the truth...
Our ocean knows more than we do
He has all the secrets at the bottom, hey!
And we walk on top, big and small
People are like ships..."

Kuzma Scriabin is no longer alive, but his songs live on in people's souls.
Beautiful words about the truth of life..




Today, there were many Turkish families of different traditions and cultures on the seashore. I observed more modern Turkish women wearing body tattoos and make-up, swimming in open swimsuits, while women in full-coverage clothing and headscarves swam nearby.



Turkish cats, who feel protected and loved in this country, like to relax next to people on the seashore. A cute red cat came to me.



A warm, harmonious day was replaced by a beautiful, warm, fragrant evening. Cats celebrated the day of the Republic of Turkey together with people. I was pleased with my relaxing day off after my active days of driving.
Thanks so much to the founder @galenkp
of this great community WEEKEND EXPERIENCES for the opportunity to share my life 😊



The sunset on the streets of Kemer against the background of high mountains that surround this small tourist town is a beautiful picture that gives new pleasure every time. And the festive fireworks ended my evening.
This post is written about where I am now. But I'll be back to telling my travel story, sequentially describing all the places I changed in my #TheLongestTrip

I thank everyone for your support 💕

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