[WE114] Weekend-Engagement posting topics - I Don't Understand...

This is my response to "[WE114] Weekend-Engagement Friday blog prompts" You can also join the challenge [here].


Below is the beginning of a sentence which you need to finish. Explain what the thing is and why you answered as you did.

"I don't understand people who..."

I don't understand people who react rather than respond and after the dust settles they have no decency to apologize.


As humans, we always want to find excuses for our actions and of course, I've done quite a bit of that too but that doesn't make it okay to react especially when someone is trying to give you a voice of reason. It takes humility to admit your wrongs and then learn how to do it better. I've been fortunate to receive a lot of guidance from a lot of people here, especially from sir @galenkp and I am better for it. Perfect? I am far from it but ready to learn? Sign me up for it, please.

We all know how Plagiarism is a thing we should frown at because no one should profit off the work of another person without the person's permission. The event that happened earlier this week is something I can never understand how someone would choose to correct you and you still went all out to resort to name calling. I can never understand it because it takes humility to accept corrections and only those with their sanity still intact can accept such.

I read @galenkp's post earlier today and the action of that user he mentioned in that post is something I can never understand. If you haven't read it, kindly go over to [Tethered to the bad] and see for yourself. I don't understand people who can't take to correction and would rather react rather than respond. You clearly plagiarized and you got punishment given to you, the best you can do is to be humble enough to accept it and do things better (if you don't know). The action of that user means he knows and he wanted to feel good about his actions. He wants everyone to turn a blind eye to it rather than accept it and his way of lashing out is his way of telling himself it's okay which it isn't.

As I said, I am no angel. I had a similar issue (of course not plagiarized content) around May. It was precisely May 26th and I was awake that day, feeling a bit down (this isn't me trying to justify myself) but most people that know me close know May 26th is the anniversary of my dad's death. I wasn't feeling it and it wasn't long that midnight when I got a message that I was reaping the reward pool for Posh Tokens unfairly. The first thing I did was lash out without trying to understand what he was saying. Clearly, if I had listened and read it well, I would have understood what he meant. He was telling me it was never okay to share my Twitter links with others because it shows I have selected and repeated sets of people liking those Twitter links which doesn't seem fair to the others. And the thing is, most people reactivated their Twitter because of the links I send to them and they don't do anything else on Twitter except to like my tweets.

I apologized later when my head was calm and it was then I got my punishment too because he withdrew his support on one of my posts and I got banned from earning on Posh Tokens while I also burned 300 of the Posh Tokens on his advice as well to show fairness. I could have resorted to name calling after I apologized too but this was on me. I was the one that messed up by sharing links which I shouldn't have and in all honesty, I didn't know and those I sent links to that also sent to me, I had to tell them to stop either else they would risk being banned.

The same thing applies to the user Sir @galenkp mentioned in the post I linked above, the best thing to do is to understand that you don't know everything and that wasn't the best way to go about being found out by name calling and throwing of abuse. It's the human thing to do to lash out, especially when certain things meet us at unexpected moments but still, it's never right and never the way to go about it because you also don't know the state the other person is in. Imagine if sir @galenkp started trading insults with him as well, look how messy that would be but he knows better than to throw his pearl self to the pigs.

Why did I answer like I just did? It's simple... No one knows it all and we all make mistakes but when you are lucky enough to have someone call you to order, the best way isn't to lash out or react regardless of what you are going through. Think...then speak... This would have saved a lot of issues and clearly would have saved me too with the Posh Token issue. Think... speak... Has helped me ever since that time because I have posted in the wrong community twice and I was called to order. I immediately apologized and vowed never to try that again.

I don't understand and can never understand people who find it so hard to take to correction when it is so clear they are the ones on the wrong side of the situation. Learn and grow, think before you speak and know that it's not in your place to feel hard done by when it's clear that you are the one that got things all wrong; deliberately or even by mistake.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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