🎉Happy third anniversary🎉Love - Health - Empathy [WEEK 156].

Congratulations to @galenpk for reaching her third anniversary on weekend engagements , I wish her blessings and keep the success coming


It has happened to many of you that for many reasons you have a creative slump and you can't find what to write and suddenly zasss came the weekend commitment with different options, well I was like that these three days before I felt that nothing came to my mind and here I am, I will participate with my three words that mean a lot to me, although I would have liked to choose more but the rules are the rules.



When we talk about love the first thing that comes to mind is the romantic, however, love goes beyond that, it is accompanied by qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, loyalty, humility, kindness, etc., unlike infatuation that can wear out over time, This type of love grows every day, and is reflected in small details, last week I was talking to my sister's husband, they have been married for 35 years, I always see them as if they were sweethearts, he told me that the love that newlyweds feel does not compare with the love he feels over the years.

Love is not only about pure physical attraction, you must also start by having self-love and overcoming negative feelings in order to radiate love towards other living beings.



I am one of those who think that having health is already a blessing, serious physical illnesses combined with stress makes that we can not make the right decisions regarding health and the disease worsens and endangers life, but health should not be neglected that told me my mom who has some diseases that if she was taken care of in time she would not be suffering, no matter how much money you have or how young you are you have to be prudent and take fewer risks, You have to have good hygiene habits, if possible take care of your diet especially if you suffer from any disease, do some physical activity, rest enough, many physical illnesses are the result of stress is killing not only physical but mental health, for example lately I have decided to walk to control stress and I have obtained very good results.



Empathy is a feeling that must be cultivated although I believe that we all at some point have been empathetic understanding the situation of others, there is a desire to help and value if situation put yourself in their person understand their feelings before judging, empathy is also the way we listen and speak our gestures and attitude to the situation when we help others to get out of the situation by putting ourselves in their place we feel a great satisfaction in the depths of our heart that makes you happy with your conviction, I can say that one of the lessons that the pandemic left was empathy, in my particular case I dedicated myself to bring clothes and food to families whose situation was difficult, I put myself in the place of those who lost everything and not because I have too much, you have to be less selfish is my thought I am very happy the times I can help others I know that life at some point will repay me.

🎉 @nill2021 🎉

Photos of my property taken with my cell phone

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