My Checklist For Mr Right: What I Look For In A Man- [WE 151]

Hello guys,
It’s a pleasure to take part in the weekend experience contest. I’ve read a lot of posts on this week’s topics and I must say,I had so much fun reading what you guys had to say.

I also want to share my thoughts on one of the topics on board.

Does a man need to have a fit/muscled/athletic body and a handsome face to be attractive to you? Answer yes or no and explain yourself in a post of at least 300 words and use images you took yourself if possible.

My answer to this question is a No. Why no? Most people look at just the physical appearance of a man or a woman and decide that oh this person is not the one for me. I don’t like his height, his face bla bla bla. But, have you taken a minute off to get to know the person? Have you had a conversation with the person to get to know how he or she thinks? No
This is how most of us end up with the wrong partners and later complain that men are this and that or women are this and that.


I’m not saying it’s not okay to look for some qualities in a man’s physical appearance, it is totally right to do that but let’s not base on that generally to choose the kind of man we want.
For me, I look beyond what I see. Who doesn’t want a man who’s handsome? Not me. But is this your handsome man thoughtful? Does he understand you?

I want a man who is open minded. It every hard to come across open minded men these days. Where I come from, most guys think like our forefathers did in the olden days. An open minded man is my type.

A man with a bad sense of humour is a no no for me. Why would I want a man who can’t take a simple joke?😅 I’m someone who like to have fun a lot and I make a lot of jokes. I want my man to be able to understand me in instances like this. I mean he should be able to vibe with me on that level. I don’t want any boring ass man whole bore me to death with his looks or muscles.

One major thing I also look for in a man is neatness. I’ve met men whose smell can kill you and I know I don’t want a man like that. I want a man who can take care of himself and practice good personal hygiene. You shouldn’t always wait for a woman to make the house look clean.

I want a man who knows to cleanup when something is messy, a man who knows to change his clothes because they’re dirty. Can you imagine a man wearing one shirt for about 5 times without washing it?
As a man you need to smell nice because women like men who smell nice. Invest in your perfume and rather than using your partners own lol😅

To end it all, I would want a handsome and fit man but what I look for most are beyond the physical appearance, a man should he calm, patient , respectful , neat, God fearing, have good sense of humour and many others. Don’t just be a man with a pretty face and some muscles be an actual man.

All images used belong to me

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