My worst flight ever!

I have been lucky enough to do a fair bit of travel through out my life time. I work, save hard and then be as frugal as possible to try and get the most value out of for each and every dollar. But I may have pushed it a little too far on our last trip. I might have got away with it in my younger years but nowadays my aging body is starting to show a few signs of wear and is definitely telling me to slow down a bit.

The day time flight to our first ever trip to Japan was fine. Then we jam packed as much as possible into 10 days. Loads of sight seeing, visiting a friend, 2 different parkruns at opposites ends of the country and then 3 full days of snow skiing mid week in Sapporo. "One of my life long dreams all that Japow snow, soft and light with no crowds on the ski slopes"

Everything was going great and even on the last day we managed a full day, inside Tokyo Disneyland before heading to the airport for our red eye flight home on the Disneyland airport direct shuttle bus.

I used to measure how good a trip was by the ache in my body from all the things we had done. This trip had been good and I was definitely achy from all the running, tourist walking and snow skiing.

Checking in and settling down for the on time flight was a breeze, I even paid the extra $10 for some movies on this 9 and half hour flight.

I got through the first movie fine and had an inflight prepaid meal. Then I was planning to get some much needed rest and recovery.

This is when things started turning to shit, Sleep I could not even with my noise cancelling head phones. The ache in my aging body just seemed to get worse and worse with ever minute. Maybe it had something to do with the altitude and the pressure in the cabin. Luckily I had an aisle seat and I was up regularly, stretching, walking to the toilet, each time hoping I could resettle into some sort of trance or sleep but the 29inch cheap ticket seat space was just not enough for my 183cm long legged frame. The 9 and half hour flight seemed to take for ever.

Next time I think I will pay extra for one of those exit row seats.

What a relief it was to be finally home..

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