My high school years

So this would have been my very first day of my high school years. I do remember feeling pretty nervous and not really happy about the traditional first day of a new school photo. I used to hate that tie, A tie and it was not even a private school, just the regular public school but all the boys had to wear one.

Technically I did not go to a high school, I was part of a new system, which did not last and from my knowledge was only ever tried in Victoria. It was classed as a technical school and was aimed at students that were more likely to be tradesmen rather than academics. We used to have wood, metal and electronics classes rather than learn languages. We still had to cover the basics like Maths, English and science but I really did enjoy building things in class, some of them I still have in the shed all these years later.

The thing I really liked though was the school was supposed to be more sport orientated.

This would have been our year 7 school camp. Freezing cold in the Victorian high country. I had chosen to do orienteering as a day time activity. Our group was always in trouble. I remember doing so well with the running and on the compass only to find my partner hiding and changing all the markers as I headed out for the next one. It was sort of funny, luckily nobody got seriously lost but that along with a few other things got us stuck with kitchen duties for every night of the camp.

I was devastated but we got to eat first, everyone else was missing out and complaining about the meals.

This was my year 10 class photo, Can you find me?

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