I would be Lost with out electricity.

Could I live without electricity? Deep down I probably could, just like our ancestors did for thousands of years. It would have been a great challenge just like those contestants on the Netflix series "Alone" But definitely for me it would be a struggle after a life time of Electricity. Maybe me even more than anybody else as electricity has pretty much been my whole life, my profession, my full time job since I started work as an apprentice way back in 1983.

My father paved the way for me as he got trained as an electrician by the English Navy back in world war 2 and then emigrated to Australia, I ended up getting my job at a company he had worked for. So I am a second generation Electrician and now my son is a third.

Electricity seemed to have worked its way into every part of our life, it is hard to think of an area where it is not used. I would even struggle to open the garage door in the mornings without it, though I suppose with no electricity at all, I could not start the car.

Me installing wiring to high rise lift shaft doors.

repairing a an old fluro light before LED lights were invented.

Trying to fault find in a control panel.

Installing high voltage underground.

Black outs are rare for us in my part of the world, probably because we are paying very high prices for electricity and the big company's always want there money. On the rare occasion it happens and we go looking for candles and wondering how long the food might last in the fridge. It does makes me realise how dependant I have really become on this unseen but potentially dangerous energy souse.

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