[Week 132] Weekend-Engagement concept: I do believe in ghosts and paranormal experiences.

I remember that my grandmother was very assiduous to play the lottery and one of her methods to guess the winning number was a ritual in which she lit a small candle, prayed a prayer and the candle when consumed showed a kind of figures and among them numbers that she combined and then played in several lotteries, I must say that I rarely failed. I think this was my first approach to the paranormal, my expectations with this method of winning the lottery were very low and I never found an explanation for this.


I agreed with her in many things, such as being perceptive and sensitive to people who present bad vibes, who envy others, to avoid them, in addition to keep away from these she taught me the use of the horned hand, often seen in rock concerts. This sign gave me protection against these people.


The perception so far has given me results, I have not been wrong and the feeling is ratified to see later to perform these people unethical and reprehensible actions.

I studied in a Catholic school and I have always believed that the Holy Spirit is a ghost, for some reason it is a spirit, an apparition to Mary sent by a superior entity and by logic an extraterrestrial being. This concern could not be answered by the priests.

On one occasion, in front of more than 40 people inside a chapel in a church, a priest performed a charismatic ritual and I observed the levitation of a person, that happened when I was 12 years old.

I am prone to feel presences and to visualize people that I had not known, my great grandmother was born in a city in the East of my country Venezuela called Puerto La Cruz, my aunts told me that she was almost identical to my grandmother, in several opportunities I managed to see her in the living room and rooms of the apartment where I lived, I went to the kitchen to look for my grandmother, and I realized that the clothes were not the same, with fear I told my grandmother the vision and she calmed me telling me that it was her mother who was taking care of her.


A curious fact happened one month of December at my brother-in-law's house, who for some time professed a religion called Santeria, which I do not share but I respect a lot, I was an eyewitness of how his voice changed and he began to speak in a language I do not know, his features changed, it was like another person, as if he was possessed, I wanted to run away from that place but my wife reassured me by telling me that her brother worked as an entity that flowed through him an energy from beyond that only wanted to warn us about the future. This explanation did not convince me much, but just in case I did not go to the brother-in-law's house for about two years.


As for the work area, I commented that once I was looking at a cup of coffee and it moved until it fell to the floor. I worked in a company that marketed medical products and the work environment felt very heavy, we had to move the office and take the file cabinets and desks. Once my co-worker and I were talking very quietly inside the office, and suddenly two drawers of different file cabinets opened simultaneously, needless to say that we were very scared and we took that as a sign, in my case I resigned from this job and a month after I did I found out that the company went bankrupt.


Sometimes I am afraid of dreaming with teeth and perceive within those dreams a scent like flowers (I know that scientifically that is impossible to dream, but I can not explain why it happens to me), often that implies the death of an acquaintance or in the best of cases a marriage. This interpretation is inherited from my maternal grandmother.


Although many do not believe me all these experiences have been true and I feel that there is something beyond, more spiritual than the material that can help or harm us all depends on the angle in which you look at it and the beliefs that we have inculcated, so I do believe in ghosts and if we use common sense all devout people of any religion believe in the existence of spirits, and by extension in ghosts and the paranormal.


This is my participation in the initiative proposed by @galenkp called Weekend-Engagement concept Link Here.

Ghostly weekend

Do you believe in ghosts and the paranormal? If so why and have you had any personal experiences. If you don't believe in it, then why not? Respond in at least 300 words.

I hope you enjoyed my post, thank you for stopping by. I wish you all a happy weekend.

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