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[Week 128] Weekend-Engagement concept: I think I am the villain

In life we have all played the roles of heroes and villains, but if a book were to be written about me I think I could very well be the villain of the story The character this writer describes is sometimes calculating and plans his actions, he is angry at the injustices that have been committed against him, sometimes he does not understand reasons since many have not understood his reasons, he is a person who believes that what he does is the best for himself, but nevertheless he possesses redeeming qualities since he is very sensitive to actions that may negatively affect others, and when he gets away with them he often makes fun of his victims.


When I was five years old I created chaos in a preschool defending a political position that I heard within my family, I managed to divide the classroom supporting one part of my candidate and the other part of the opposition, I remember vividly those notebooks flying through the air and three teachers who could not stop the situation, I think that was the first time that my representative was called to the principal's office, at that age I thought it was funny that two groups fought for some slogan, needless to say that I was punished very severely at home where I was suspended the use of television for 2 weeks.

At home I was forced to be friends with the children of my mother's friends, I think that was unfair because I had to make friends with children that I didn't like, in those cases I always made the other child cry in some way. Memorable was the day when that infamous child was singing a song and made a mistake, so I closed my fist and broke his mouth, my mother apologized a thousand times to her friend, who by the way never spoke to her again, when I got home I was reprimanded and at the moment I was going to be spanked, my grandmother intervened and I was not punished.

When I was a little older and about to enter high school, a little group at school made fun of me because I didn't dress in the latest fashion (at home we didn't have so many economic resources to be always following the fashions). At a certain moment during recess I managed to see behind the line that was in the canteen the group of students making fun of me, I had just bought a soda, I turned to them and emptied the soda on their clothes, with the bad luck that I did not notice that the school principal was next to them and also stained his shirt. I was immediately taken to detention, and although I tried to explain my actions I was not heard and I was expelled from school for a week.

Later I had some confrontations with the school authorities who mysteriously did not believe me, that group of students had a lot of economic power and their parents were benefactors of the school, my mother by chance had to pay the monthly tuition.

The abuse of this group lasted for years and other children were also affected. The group was even given the keys to the audiovisual room so that they could watch Catholic movies on VHS, but the reality was darker, they watched XXX. Realizing this I decided to take revenge on this venerable group, in a simple way, watching them I realized that before recess they introduced the XXX movies to the audiovisual room, locked the place. I waited for the courtyard I went to the audiovisual room and immediately inserted a key in the lock, which broke when I forced it.

It was time for recess, the popular students and some other guests went smiling to the audiovisual room, they could not open the door, they tried to kick it down, the principal came out and they complained innocently but very nervous, the principal called a locksmith who arrived five minutes before the end of recess, the teenagers insist on staying until the locksmith opens the door, the principal sends them to class, half an hour later the audio-visual room is opened, the principal enters the room and shouts a scream that can be heard throughout the school, it was not exactly the Jesus Christ Superstar movie on top of the VHS, the result: five students expelled, the audiovisual area closed for a long time and ten XXX movies confiscated and that must still be rolling around there. I was laughing my ass off, and at this point they still don't know who broke the key inside the lock of that room.

I graduated from college as a Business Administrator and I have had many jobs, I especially remember one that required a lot of responsibility and I had to present an iron hand to correct cases of bad loans where the analyst could see their bias towards a client, I told them their mistakes and they did not accept them in many cases, I was able to change some analysts to other departments and they really did a lot of damage, earning the hatred of many bosses who I really did not like either, I even felt envious of the ostentatious way they lived despite earning a very small salary.

Many of the actions I do are not understood by others because I refuse and I will refuse to follow the guidelines of others that may harm my interests, I am not a sheep, and if they have to judge me by my actions and convictions sometimes a little rough I will remain a villain, because it is also very funny, and that this is the first part of the book.

Greetings to all the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community, this is my entry with a lot of fiction and some reality to the initiative proposed by @galenkp in the [Week 128] Weekend-Engagement concept Link here, a happy weekend to all.

What if someone (other than you) wrote a book about your life; would you appear as a hero or a villain? In at least 400 words, explain your answer.