Taking care of myself is a good idea. Week 163.

Selfishness, or excessive love of self, is a term that when misused brings with it the message that taking care of me is wrong.

If I do not take care of myself, and analyze myself I cannot connect with what may really be happening to me and I will not be able to change what in my external relationships is not working.

It is important to be honest about our feelings, to allow ourselves to cry, to laugh, to take time to be with a friend or family member who understands us. In this way we can take care of ourselves emotionally.

Physically, we have to take care of our body, cooking nutritious meals (this is sometimes a little difficult for me), practicing some sport (I assume in this case that sometimes I am very sedentary), and walking (I walk at least 3 kilometers daily on my way to work). This is physical self-care.

An essential thing is to exercise our mind; reading books, being creative in writing, learning to do something new, learning to play a musical instrument, being interested in something new and interesting. This is Intellectual self-care.

Spiritual self-care is very important and consists of identifying with our values and what really matters to us.

Also the connection with other people is necessary to be happy; it helps us to understand that we are not alone and that social contact also contributes to our well-being.

Many times people who pay attention to others do it from what they think the other needs but to know how to help first I have to know what I have or what I lack and know what the other needs.

If we take the time to know what we need to rest and how we need it, we can offer the best of ourselves to others.

By taking care of myself I will not take on other people's responsibilities, I will be able to rest and enjoy my time and the time I need with others.

In the society we live in, we are expected to give up everything for others or else we are labeled as selfish. We must be aware of our needs and put aside ideas of guilt or of being indispensable to others.

We must prioritize needs and priorities to be aware of what aspects we will not leave aside for others because they imply something important to us.

We must take care of the way in which we address others and begin to decline their requests. To help others, we must first be well ourselves.

For all these reasons, I think that self-care is not selfish.

This is my participation in the initiative Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 163, Link Here, suggested by @galenkp.

Greetings to all, wishing everyone a successful weekend.

Self care

Do you think self-care is selfish or not? Discuss in a post of at least 300 words and the photographs you use for this post must be one's you took personally.

The photograph is my property and was taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

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