An awful first date. (Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 160).

Some years ago, more specifically in 1988 I started working in a supermarket network as an Accounting Assistant, I had not even graduated as an administrator but necessity forced me to work.

In the company there were very pretty young women but especially the secretary of Finance stood out, her name was Belkys and she had a very striking physiognomy in which stood out a long silky hair, white tes, beautiful brown eyes and of course a slender figure.


We always met in the kitchen of the company as we served each other coffee, and talked about the company or any particular topic that was popular at the time.

One day I walked up to her work station, took a breath of fresh air, and mentally had the words in my mouth, when I was about to open it, she sort of telepathically read my mind and said: yes, let's have dinner.

My heart began to beat, since it was the first date, in which I wanted to know more about her and her tastes, of course, the idea of conquest crossed my mind.

We left work and arrived at a Mexican restaurant, and chivalry forward I took the chair from the table for her to sit, she thanked me and smiled broadly, I was melting and I already felt a gallant.

Immediately, I asked for the menu and started to think if she would like that menu, and I really think she liked it because she ordered three different dishes and a beer, I ordered my normal mixed dish and my respective beer.


I started to look for conversation and we talked about our families and personal tastes, until then everything was going well, however something happened that I was afraid of: she started talking about her ex-boyfriend, explaining me how wonderful and splendid he was with her, I think that at that moment I got to know him more than her, and I even thought he was nice.

However, inside my brain I began to wonder, Why did they stop being boyfriend and girlfriend?

Already their conversation was starting to annoy me and make me dizzy, as I watched her talk with her pretty mouth full of food.

Suddenly she opened her purse and pulled out a paper bag which she tore open, making such a big noise that the other diners were staring at our table. With that piece of paper she proceeded to wipe her mouth, even though there were plenty of napkins on the table to do so.

The conversation took a turn and she started to tell me that she liked illustrated men, and I could not contain my laughter, already my perception of her was changing, and by the way I commented to her what do you mean by that, she answered me that those are the men who wore tattoos. I did my best not to laugh again.


The conversation was already a monologue, and while she was talking she kept eating as if the world was going to end that day, she ordered another beer and I was already impatient for this date in that restaurant to end.

She did not give me time to ask for the bill, and by the way she asked for a dish to take away, as a good gentleman I paid the bill, by the way to collect that money again cost me about a month of work.

I proceeded to take her home, which was located in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods of Caracas, I looked ahead, backwards, sideways and even to the sky, I was in my aunt's vehicle that I borrowed for the occasion, however I was scared. I felt that they were looking at me and pointing at the vehicle, after 25 minutes of dark and narrow streets I finally arrived at her house, which already seemed to me located on Mount Everest of how high it was and inside I was saying to myself: at least I hope I had earned a kiss on the mouth.

I only got a thank you, she entered her house and well, the charm disappeared, now I wanted to know how I was leaving that place, that dangerous place, and as if by magic it started to rain, so those people with not very good intentions entered their homes.


Immediately I started and I think that the 25 minutes that it took me to go up to that house turned into 10 minutes.

It would have been easier to tell me that she didn't want to go out with me, maybe because I wasn't as fascinating as her ex-boyfriend, or because I wasn't enlightened (with tattoos).

Additionally, I have to say that I didn't like her table manners and I didn't feel safe where she lived.

For the next two years we kept talking, but we never went beyond coffee, but always in my mind the memory of that first date and I wonder if that extra meal was for her ex-boyfriend or for some enlightened man who was inside that house.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked the little story I told you, a pleasure and an honor to participate in this initiative proposed by @galenkp. Link Here

A big hello to all and happy weekend.

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Here is my proposal for Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 160.

For the men

Would you prefer to ask a woman out or have them ask you out for a first date and has it ever happened? (I mean in person, not on devices.) Explain in 300+ words and use photos you took yourself where you can.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column